Daily Archive: March 5, 2013

This Is How It Felt

This is how I felt nine hours after you were born. You are asleep on my chest, a fine little miracle in a striped swaddling blanket. Of course you are a miracle. Parents always...

That Icon of American Consumerism

by Mad Rocket Scientist In an effort to NOT be just another “Gun Guy” (seriously, I have many other interests, firearms are just a hobby), I thought I’d post about something completely different. New...

For Anyone Interested

In addition to writing at the League, I’m now contributing to First Thoughts on a similar range of subjects — the books, movies, music, and ideas that strike my fancy — that I write about here at...

A Small News Story Worth Watching Unfold

It will probably never change minds, of course.  After all, each side of the aisle will have news organs that “prove” their side is right.  Still, the developments in the Menendez prostitution scandal might...

The Great Nations: a Tuareg Poem

The poet Souéloum Diagho is from Tessalit in the North of Mali. His father is Tamashek, his mother Fula. He writes in the tradition of the controversial eighth century Arabic poet Ghaylan ibn ‘Uqbah....