Daily Archive: October 17, 2012

wildlife management

Meanwhile in Asia…

Some tidbits from the past week or so. The Bank of Japan has declared it’s going to miss its 1% inflation goal, with real inflation being stuck somewhere between 0.5 – 0.8% for the...

Unpacking The Binders

Legends are more interesting and more attractive than the reality underneath them. And sometimes, things are said that inadvertently reveal a great deal more than the speaker intends. So, quoth Mitt Romney in last night’s debate: …I...

Governor Romney and the Ladies Fair

If Republicans ever want to win the women vote, they really need to stop talking about women.  They are just terrible at it. One of the more surprising poll trends coming into last night’s...

Conservatives and Science

While there are plenty of areas where I disagree with my side of the aisle, nothing stands out as much as the troubled relationship that conservatives have with science. This includes a refusal to...

Two Debates; Two Observations

Let me frame my observations with some disclosure: I would describe myself as a pro-commerce liberal. I favor workmen’s comp; I opposed mandatory employer-paid, non work-related disability insurance (required here in NYS). I oppose...

Nassau County is Not an Obama Love-fest

I have heard it suggested, in our own backyard and countless times on Twitter, that Obama had a homefield advantage because the debate was in New York. Thus, he got softball questions. Please set conspiracy theories...

Town Hall Debate: Ten Points

Why I bothered to watch I don’t know. I filled out my absentee ballot and mailed it in yesterday. But I resolved to offer ten points for discussion about the debate tonight, and here...