Viewership Stats Bleg
Viewership statistics for the nation as a whole on the Presidential debates are not going to be that hard to find. But the number of people in Ohio and Florida and Virginia and Iowa and Colorado who tuned in might give us a hint as to how influential the debate will turn out to be. I don’t care so much about California or Texas. Where might I look to find state-by-state viewership?
Often, state flagship newspapers report on statewide or major metro viewership for major television events. I know the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel did for the state when I lived in Wisconsin, often buried in a column or blog on the media.
You might start there if Nielsen itself doesn’t make such information public.Report
Unfortunately, the J-S only reported Milwaukee-based TV station ratings:, but this might be what you have to do, I don’t see anything from Nielsen except a basic age breakdown.Report
Romney won the Xbox poll and 31% of the idiot vote will be plenty. It’s all over.
Be honest: You’re just hard-up for trivia material, aren’t you?Report
It’s harder than you think.
Submissions welcome.Report
I had a good one for you, Will, I’ll see if I can find it again.Report