Ryan the Outdoorsman
So it turns out that Ryan is not just the only hunter in the four-man group this year but he’s also an accomplished bowhunter. So, um, that’s pretty cool at least.
by Mike Dwyer · August 11, 2012
So it turns out that Ryan is not just the only hunter in the four-man group this year but he’s also an accomplished bowhunter. So, um, that’s pretty cool at least.
Mike Dwyer
Mike Dwyer is a former writer and contributor at Ordinary Times.
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an accomplished bowhunter
Bug deal. How hard is it to outsmart a bow?Report
I saw the headline and was excited to see a picture of Ryan Noonan with a crossbow.
I’m a little disappointed.Report
I got an email from a friend that said much the same thing. I failed everyone this weekend.Report
Bowhunters are crazy, like fly fishermen. There is nothing wrong with this sort of crazy, mind you.Report
Even though I do bowhunt, I don’t consider myself a bowhunter. I don’t keep my clothes outside in a garbage bag full of cedar branches or do half of the other things that are supposed to make you successful.
For REAL crazy though, it’s waterfowl hunters. I do count myself among that crowd. Five degrees and snowing? How about we take the boat out on the river and shoot at ducks? Also, while we’re at it, bring along a stove and we’ll cook up breakfast for everyone. Ice in your beard? That’s not cause for concern…that’s awesome!Report
Absolutely. That’s the part about hunting I’ve always been drawn to (or used to be, I don’t hunt anymore): being outside.Report
I was just thinking that the part about shooting at ducks seemed superfluous.Report
It is, but the fishing pole’s not.Report
For real crazy, you want the men who run animals down on foot, no weapons needed.Report
FWIW, all the bowhunters I knew in WI hunted from a stand. I did myself the two years I tried it before I realized that being a hyper and fidgety 14-year-old doesn’t lend itself to success at sitting in a chair silently for hours at a time waiting for a deer to walk by.Report
And yet Ted Nugent was passed over for the veep slot?Report
His bowhunting might also attract those hooked on the Hunger Games movie, said one associate.
I can think of a handful of people I know who, if they were previously undecided, would in all likelihood, be pushed into the Romney column by this news. Unfortunately for the Romney campaign, they all live in Kentucky, where picking up an additional 4-5 votes will not affect anything.Report