A Poulos Placeholder Post
I have some still fermenting thoughts and questions about James Poulos recent and apparently inflammatory post What are Women For?, not the least of which is whether or not to post the blind link...
I have some still fermenting thoughts and questions about James Poulos recent and apparently inflammatory post What are Women For?, not the least of which is whether or not to post the blind link...
From NSFW (But Then Again, Safety is Overrated): The arrival of digital technology created a “clearing event” much like the social upheaval of the 1960s, and in the wake of that clearing event there...
Over at the Duck of Minerva, Robert E Kelly has a two part blog post discussing the applicability of Jack Snyder’s “Myths of Empire” theory to China.
…but what the flying fish is Sullivan thinking with this quasi-eulogy of Pat Buchanan’s career?