Daily Archive: February 3, 2012

Call Out For Awesome

I’m going through my old blog commenting haunts and discovered Dr. Free-Ride has put out a call to help a group of high school science students fund their trip to CERN. The group is...

The Real Moment Komen Tripped Up

Earlier this week I met with a client who heads up a non-profit that serves a particular segment of the disenfranchised. She had concerns about some projects one of her organization’s divisions were starting,...

Komen v Planned Parenthood

Since everyone in the League had the good sense to avoid this story all week, I thought I’d ruin our Friday.  (edited to add)  Well, not everybody.  (/edited) Today, the Komen Foundation retracted its...

Hobbes: What’s a Body to Do?

Even people who have never read a page of Hobbes have probably seen the frontispiece of Leviathan. It’s a body, made up of bodies. (Yeah, there are other bits down below. We’ll talk about...