Daily Archive: August 30, 2011

Unions and Corporations

So I support unions, even government unions, because in the system we have there is no reason not to support unions. We accept all sorts of economic distortions. Corporations are legal entities, sanctioned by...

Fantasy Utopias

This old Sady Doyle post at The Awl helps me understand better where I think she’s coming from in regards to Martin’s work. After pointing out the many flaws with female-oriented fantasy, she writes:...

Plotinus and Evil

How does evil get into the world? Where does it come from? Why is it here? For religions that attribute a fallen nature to man, this isn’t such a problem; after all, it was...

Lucky Number Seven

From Michael Shermer’s new book The Believing Brain: During the run-up to the 2004 presidential election, while undergoing a brain scan, thirty men — half self-described “strong” Republicans and half “strong” Democrats — were...