Daily Archive: August 16, 2011

You break the peace, you buy the war

A Washington Post article brings up an old idea that’s gone from common sense to the fringes of the political sphere — the so-called war tax: Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), believes such a levy...

No one Cuomo should have all that power

Over the past couple of years, there’s been many people wondering why it is, exactly, that Washington seems so utterly indifferent towards stimulating the economy. Some people have hypothesized that it’s because DC itself...

Elsewhere, Hither and Thither

My second piece is live at The Atlantic. This time around I offer up some reading recommendations for those of us on George R. R. Martin withdrawals. I’m sure that I will learn that...

Who says politics can’t be good for business?

Not Rick Perry’s political donors, anyways. So much for small government: Texas Gov. Rick Perry has powered his political career on the largesse of donors like Dallas billionaire Harold Simmons, who gave the governor...