Daily Archive: December 30, 2010

“a wholesale imperial medicalization of normality”

As someone whose therapist friends have been battling, so far bloodlessly, with diagnosis-happy psychiatrists over clients being told they have lifelong disorders following brief depressive episodes, this Wired article strikes me as pretty important. (Via Zoë Pollock)

Give Goldberg a Chance

Yesterday, Salon highlighted something “incredibly stupid” written by Jonah Goldberg in a “doozy of a syndicated column“. I’m no Goldberg scholar, so maybe it’s right that “pathetic” Goldbergian Conservatism is, “a philosophy defined entirely by opposition...

Antitrust/Media Consolidation Bleg

For some reason, I got thinking a little bit about antitrust law this afternoon, a subject on which I’m somewhat conflicted and about which my knowledge is definitely lacking.  What I’m wondering is whether...

Superbowl XLII half-time show

Tom Petty’s half-time show at Superbowl 42 is probably the best I’ve ever seen – maybe the only one I’ve ever liked at all. This is in part because Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers...

Madalyn Murray O’Hair

She was as wildly amusing as some of the religious extremists she debated. When I encounter fervent atheists on this site, I oft-feel like I am dealing with her ghost.

Quote of the Day

“We’ve all met people who invoke Ayn Rand to justify behaving like a sociopath in their personal relationships. I’d still recommend that any adolescent suffering from Catholic guilt read the passages about Hank and...