Daily Archive: December 1, 2010

Politics v. Economics, ctd

In response to some of the comments to his post on politics and economics yesterday as I briefly excerpted here, FLG has put together a detailed follow-up that makes some important clarifications.  I suspect...

The AI-Box Experiment

A while back a colleague of mine alerted me to an interesting thought experiment/game derived by Eliezer S. Yudkowsky of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, one which in turn originated from a conversation he...

Fightin’ Ted Strickland

Outgoing Ohio Governor Ted Strickland was one of my favorite elected officials to lose office last month.  And I loved 95% of his comments in an interview he gave to Sam Stein today. From...

On Hobbits, Race, and Self-Contained Worlds

I come down closer to Jamelle Bouie’s side of the Hobbit argument than Adam Serwer’s. Jamelle argues that basically Tolkien’s story is one of the British Isles, and that the mythological backdrop of Middle-Earth...

Politics vs. Economics

I’ve been meaning to do a post on FLG’s liberal/conservative time horizons theory for awhile, but haven’t gotten around to it.  In the meantime, partly inspired by Jonathan’s post yesterday on the yuan, FLG...

Political Blind Spots, Ctd

I’ve been struggling to formulate a decent post in the broad arena covered by Ned this morning – ie, understanding apparent dishonesty and cognitive dissonance in others – for a couple of days, but...

Dealing With Political Blind Spots

Ezra Klein had a great rundown yesterday on a psychological phenomenon called motivated skepticism: On the simplest level, American politics presents us with an incentives problem: McConnell — like most minority leaders — is an...

Wednesday’s Words of Wisdom

Is this still true? Was it ever true? There really is such a thing as freedom here [in America]. The republic is not a vapid illusion, and the fact that there is no national...