Daily Archive: July 1, 2010

On Burning Cop Cars and Stagecraft

A screaming came across the sky. The pine needled hush of cottage country was briefly, but violently, punctured by the deafening whoosh of low-flying fighter jets this weekend. Passing directly over our family cabin,...

What’s Wrong with Copyright

Notice-and-takedown is creaky, and the intellectual foundations of copyright are creakier still. But the whole thing more or less works. Kind of. Until you see this — the Rothko Chapel with Barnett Newman’s Broken...

The High Road and the Low

Jim Henley expresses something that had been in the back of my mind, in some form, for a very long time: Across a whole range of problems there’s a class of responses I’ll dub...

L’Affaire Weigel

The blogosphere has been abuzz the last week or so over some e-mails sent to the JournoList list-serv by Dave Weigel that were less than respectful to conservatives.  As a result, Weigel was forced...