Monthly Archive: December 2009

Misconceptions of presidential disapproval

Allahpundit jumps on the Obama-approval-ratings-are-dropping bandwagon and, like most conservatives who try to interpret the data, totally misses the point: More than 60 percent of indies disapprove of his handling of health care and the...

Blame Canada

Okay people.  It’s time for all of you to pile on Scott and Chris.  Turns out they’re the bad guys in the whole climate change kerfuffle:

Good beer, good music

As I compile everyone’s “best cover of all time” submissions (Yes, I’m getting to you. No, Uncle Kracker’s version of “Drift Away” did not make the cut.) while enjoying a lukewarm PBR, I realize...

The Climate of the Islander

Time has a piece today on climate change that discusses a small atoll called Ifalik in Micronesia.  I spent one year of my life in Guam teaching Micronesians and was fortunate enough to spend...

The Best Cover of All Time, Volume XIV

Ian M. also submitted Built to Spill’s epic cover of “Freebird”; I’m nominating Beirut’s cover of Ary Barroso’s “Brazil” (Sinatra’s version also makes the cut). Again, my musical biases are pretty obvious, so if...

The Best Cover of All Time, Volume XIII

Klein nominates Donny Hathaway’s soulful take on Lennon’s “Jealous Guy’; Todd submits Phish’s version of the Stones’ “Loving Cup” for the jam band circuit. I’m not sure if this qualifies as a cover, but...

Tim ‘Theological’ Tebow

Florida QB Tim Tebow (in)famously often wears eye strips with Biblical phrases on them during every game.  For example, he’s worn John 3:16, Philippians 4:13, and Hebrews 12:1-2. During the recent SEC Championship, Tebow...


A lot of the reaction to my conservapedia piece falls along the lines that you would expect – essentially that I’m painting with too broad a brush.  I probably was in that post.  Obviously...

The Best Cover of All Time, Volume XI

After reviewing the list of nominees, it’s pretty apparent that our  submissions skew heavily towards quasi-ironic indie rock. In the interests of greater inclusion, I encourage all readers with a passion for folk, country,...

The Best Cover of All Time, Volume X

JosephFM nominates The Yeah Yeah Yeahs covering Sonic Youth; Sidereal recommends José González singing Massive Attack’s “Teardrop.” Both songs are below the fold:

The Best Cover of All Time, Volume VIII

Aguirre nominates The Scissor Sisters’ disco-infused version of “Comfortably Numb”; via email, Barry passes along Radiohead’s cover of The Smiths’ “The Headmaster Ritual.” Radiohead is below the fold – keep those nominations coming!

A mark against our polity?

Conor writes: If any public official in America deserves the contempt of all citizens, it is Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the Maricopa County lawman who has forced innocent men to march down the street in pink...

The Best Cover of All Time, Volume VI

Commenter db links to Nouvelle Vague’s great Bossa Nova version of “The Guns of Brixton.” I’ll be posting cover songs all week and then arbitrarily ranking the finalists on Friday/this upcoming weekend (we may...

The new anti-war right

I’d like to believe that Jack Hunter is right, but the more I think about it the more I think that the conservative base in this country, barring some cataclysmic event, will never be...

Meanwhile…at True/Slant

I talk about Joe Lieberman’s resistance to healthcare reform, the need to kill the filibuster once and for all, Obama and the neocons, and why it’s wrong to judge other’s morality based on their...