Monthly Archive: December 2009

Happy New Year

I hope everyone is enjoying a safe and happy holiday. At the risk of lapsing into blog-cliché, this site wouldn’t be nearly as fun without so many interesting (and vocal!) readers, and I hope...

Airline Security Redux

I’ve got a half-finished post on this in the queue that is going to have to wait until 2010 to achieve completion.  Alas, there’s a good chance it’ll never see the light of day,...

Legalize It!

The perverse nature of our ‘War’ on Drugs was never more evident than in this Wall Street Journal article. A few choice quotes:

The worst person of 2009

So far, Joe Lieberman is edging out Glenn Beck.  If you’d like to vote for the worst person of 2009, head over to my True/Slant digs and cast your ballot….

Quote for the Day

Marc Lynch, writing about the (non)coverage in the Arab press of the failed Detroit airplane bombing and its implications: The Arab media’s indifference to the story speaks to a vitally important trend. Al-Qaeda’s attempted...


I’ve been largely out of the loop for the last week, so there’s quite a bit to catch up on.  A quick word on the attempted terrorist attack on the airliner in Detroit–and then...

Shrewd Sarah Palin/Gullible Media

I’ve argued before, and I will continue to argue, that there is nothing terribly unique about Sarah Palin as a politician other than the way in which her opponents and the media play right...

A united progressive/tea-party front

I can see where Jane Hamsher’s tea-party/populist left united front thing could seem appealing as a movement against something (the no-good politicians in Congress and their corporate special-interest shenanigans).  

Formulating a Reliable Detainee Policy

Will asked me to comment on this op-ed by Jack Goldsmith and Benjamin Wittes pleading with Congress and the President to formulate clear rules regarding detention policy in the War on Terror. Although I...