Against the State of the Union
A brief polemic against the most monarchical, overblown, tedious piece of political entertainment in the American system,
A brief polemic against the most monarchical, overblown, tedious piece of political entertainment in the American system,
Most of the time, when using imaginary people to back up a statement, it points to being a lazy, unprepared public speaker.
If free speech depends on plaintiffs not having money, then the problem isn’t that plaintiffs sometimes have money.
As your campaign draws to an end, Berners, so too shall your ability to speak your mind.
Burt Likko thinks that Citizens United and McCutcheon were correctly decided. But how can he square that conclusion with his recent Ordinary Court opinion?
A squib of a post about this morning’s Supreme Court decision in McCutcheon v. FEC. Very brief: aggregate campaign donation limits unconstitutional.
An open thread on the President’s remarks on Syria and where the crisis currently stands.
Nothing in the President’s speech hasn’t been said before, and with much more force and a greater sense of commitment. His sprawling meditation on the threat of terrorism was less a grand vision for...
No Driving Blind today. Instead, everyone should take some time to read and consider the President’s speech on foreign policy from earlier. Full remarks below,
Once something is published on the Internet, it’s too late to take it back. Ask Anthony Weiner. Pictured to the left is a 3D printer. As predicted here more than half a year ago,...
[A little late to post this, I know, but I just realized I had not shared it with the League when I first wrote it. — EI] I don’t know what I expected to...
To start things off, I should say that I’m not particularly sympathetic to the Dems’ lackluster efforts at healthcare reform. I’m willing to be persuaded that a robust public option would promote healthier outcomes...
“The less/fewer distinction isn’t really that hard to learn, but it would be much easier to not have to bother. I can’t think of any situations in which the existence of the two different...