Tagged: Space


DART Closes In

If this asteroid were headed for Earth, DART would have to hit it about 500 years in advance for such a velocity correction to make it miss.

Space Junk

The Space Age has brought us miracles. Losing those abilities would be devastating. And losing a future of lunar bases, asteroid exploration and deep space missions would be a tragic cap on human ambition.


Tech Tuesday – Shrimp on the Barbie Edition

Productive weekend. Fixed two doors, tore up some Davidiums and replaced them with Lilacs, cleaned the car, etc. PS: Why must interior door frames and hinge screws be so cheap? Both doors had the screws stripping out of the jambs. Had to take them off and pack the holes with epoxy so the screws would have something to bite into. I’m starting to think jambs should be constructed with T-nuts and use machine screws.