A Paucity Of Limits, By Stipulation: 303 Creative v Elenis
Burt Likko argues that the ruling in the “gay wedding website” case is best understood in a particular context, and he really doesn’t like what he sees when he does that.
Burt Likko argues that the ruling in the “gay wedding website” case is best understood in a particular context, and he really doesn’t like what he sees when he does that.
I am skittish about getting involved anywhere at this point. The pitfalls are myriad and various. So I’m church-shopping again.
I’m completely wrong in my conclusion, of course, but I do think that there is a nut of something worth exploring about religion in the middle parts
Explaining Santo Daime as a very different type of religious practice, and perhaps expand the tent for what most would consider a religion
The Supreme Court struck down in-home Covid limits that were part of California’s Covid restrictions 5-4. Read it for yourself
The latest Spheres of Influence Podcast from our friend and Ordinary Times contributor Dennis Sanders.
I invite you to be enthralled with Brideshead Revisited, which makes a television masterpiece of a literary masterpiece
If there is not a one atop the denominator, there is no longer a declaration of The Faith; instead, adherents are reduced to arguing probabilities.
Honestly, I had forgotten all about this, but it is a story that would make Dan Brown jealous for not having thought of it first.
It is completely banal in its utter ordinariness, and it is vital for precisely that reason. Prayer provides us with value and meaning in a desperate age.
The Supreme Court released two of its five remaining decisions today; both were 7-2 and both were a victory for the religious.
Human nature is human nature, regardless of divine ambitions.
When the world’s Jews gather to celebrate Passover this Wednesday night, our seder tables will be uncannily private, small gatherings reduced from the scale of family to that of individual households
L1: A Pennsylvania law passed in December 1959 required, at the outset of a school day, the recitation of ten verses from the Holy Bible, to be read over the school intercom or in...
The missing blue wave, impeachment martyrdom, the Fal-ings of self-awareness, and some places we got it right/wrong in Harsh Your Mellow Monday
I’m not a fan of social functions. I make it a habit to avoid them. I’ve been to a whole mess of funerals. Those are less avoidable.
Thinking we are better off without such people as Najib Ahmad Bakhtari in our nation is lunacy.
What is the true meaning of Christmas anyway? I’m going to set that question aside for a little bit to talk about syphilis.
Walk softly and carry a big spiritual stick, but the stick is called discernment and is used just as much to ward off people who claim to be of faith as those who are openly against faith.