Voting for Nothing For the Last Time
We get from the Democrats a not-so-polite “no,” with a hint of self-righteous anger and condescension, when we dare demand better from them.
We get from the Democrats a not-so-polite “no,” with a hint of self-righteous anger and condescension, when we dare demand better from them.
Democratic primary frontrunner Joe Biden was unveiling his healthcare proposal, and the tagline he laid on folks sounds strangely familiar.
“Hold up, hold up, hold up,”
If you are a supporter of the president, his strategy makes eminent sense: Double down in those parts of the world where success is plausible, and limit America’s exposure to the rest. His critics believe, however, that problems like those presented by the Middle East don’t solve themselves—that, without American intervention, they metastasize.
Were a hypothetical President Hillary Clinton to nominate him to the Supreme Court, would Barack Obama’s service as President be reason to foresee that he’d become one of the great Justices on the Supreme Court? What about his lack of prior judicial experience or his lack of scholarly publications?
A must-read interview with author and NYT reporter Charlie Savage on President Obama and terrorism, by OT alum Elias Isquith.
No, we’re not getting meta. Worse. We’re talking Presidents…
It might not look like it, but Democrats are losing the government shutdown debate. The closer Congress gets to a deal, the less space there’ll be to negotiate when the next budget crisis comes knocking.
An open thread on the President’s remarks on Syria and where the crisis currently stands.
David Atkins confronts the aimlessness of Obama’s presidency and finds no one to blame but the President himself
Nothing in the President’s speech hasn’t been said before, and with much more force and a greater sense of commitment. His sprawling meditation on the threat of terrorism was less a grand vision for...
No Driving Blind today. Instead, everyone should take some time to read and consider the President’s speech on foreign policy from earlier. Full remarks below,
There I was, enjoying some left-over pasta and a diet Canadian Dry on my lunch break. “Time to read something,” I thought. So I browsed my favorites tab in search of something meaty to...
In the context of my other post on Sullivan I wanted to highlight something else he penned recently:
The words “regulate” and “regulated” appear three times in the Constitution’s current text. Here they are: Article I, Section 8: “The Congress shall have Power…To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States,...
Doug Henwood summarizes an important decline in the reading level of State of the Union addresses,
[A little late to post this, I know, but I just realized I had not shared it with the League when I first wrote it. — EI] I don’t know what I expected to...
At the Atlantic, an article by three professors was published which sought to examine the claim that “Pakistanis all hate the drone war.” For someone like me this is a useless bit of analysis. Indeed,...
NYRB‘s Mark Danner has a nice retrospective on the election (remember that?) that takes a view of the country both high and low. There’s a hefty dose of the What It All Means pontifications...