DC Circuit Court of Appeals Rules for Dismissal of Michael Flynn Case
The long-running and politically charged case against retired General and former NSA Michael Flynn has taken yet another turn.
The long-running and politically charged case against retired General and former NSA Michael Flynn has taken yet another turn.
After the DOJ reversed course on the sentencing recommendation, the prosecuting US Attorney notified the court of his immediate resignation.
However you want to divvy it up, spin it, analyze it, or otherwise talk around it, there is a definitive trend line of lessening interest at each mile post of the Mueller investigation.
Lots and lots of hearings but almost no one is listening.
Robert Mueller is going to say nothing to congress other than “It’s covered in the report” so let the hype begin!
Robert Mueller has finally spoken, and says his statement today is his final word on the subject
There has been a bit of a cottage industry over which, if any, Republicans would be the first to breach the “I” word. Rep. Justin Amash appears to be your huckleberry
The ratings are in for the Mueller report reveal, and after two years of angst and hype they were…
Those of you wondering which of the major 2020 presidential candidates would call for impeachment first, wonder no more.
AG Barr gives presser prior to releasing the redacted Mueller Report. Talk about it here.
Your Ordinary World for 8Apr19 feature links to great writing and viewpoints to read, share & discuss.
The same folks who are never satisfied no matter the outcome drive the ones with the most to lose away from their only mechanism of being heard.
AG Barr’s summary of the Mueller Report has been delivered to congress, and the letter stating “principle conclusions” has been released.
No one has read it. No one knows what’s in it. Everyone is reacting strongly to it.
Michael Cohen, President Trump’s long time lawyer, confidant, and “fixer” will be testifying publicly before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday, the second and only public of three days of such testimony before congress.
Roger Stone did a very stupid thing. Judge Amy Berman Jackson wasn’t amused, as the federal judge modified the indicted Stone’s gag order.
Roger Stone has been indicted, arrested, and will appear in court on charges witness tampering, obstruction, and making false statements.
If you went to bed early Thursday, you might have missed Buzzfeed News making quite the splash just after 10p, EST with reporting by Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier. You won’t be able to miss it this morning, or in the coming days if proven to be accurate.
If this sounds familiar it is because it is. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is reportedly leaving the DOJ in coming weeks, maybe after nominee for AG Bill Burr takes office. And he means it this time. For sure. Probably.