Tagged: language

The Church Militant

What does the sword have to do with the Christian spiritual life? Everything, according to Michael Voris, the producer of an internet television station. The faithful, he believes, are born for combat.

My Handwriting, My Self

New languages seep into you—slowly at first, and then, suddenly, you begin to notice its influence.  At least in the anecdotes, this frequently happens through the confusion of words as the mind is momentarily...

Trust, Standing, and Communication

The week’s “Almost All-Rush-Limbaugh” posts got me to thinking about language and the use thereof, and this of course always makes me think of Mr. Carlin (requiescat in pace).  Needless to say, this post...

Sympathy with the Kabbalists

I once wrote a short story for workshop that involved, I believe, the narrator dismissing any approach to grief informed by the Kabbalah as guilty of a kind of heretical dualism.  It wasn’t this-worldly...

Punctuated Equilibrium

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4/11/2011 – Christopher Carr to William, Robert, Becca, Kevin, Kevin, Adam, Caitlin, Joseph, Julie, Dmitri Hey guys, Wondering what you thought about this cover letter:   Here’s the job description: Title: Junior Digital Video Production Assistant...