Tagged: Journalism


The Bitter Scribes

What becomes of the newspaper man? The journalists of tomorrow will be bitter, poor, or trust fund babies, and if you think they hate capitalism today, just wait.


The Story After the Story Tells the Story

The follow-up stories to the headline grabbing viral ones never receive as much attention. This one, where Der Spiegel’s Christoph Scheuermann went to the town at the center of the Claas Relotius scandal, should.


Real Fake News

Der Spiegel is a popular German news magazine, and is world-renowned for their in-depth investigative reporting. But now they are answering investigative questions themselves, as prominent journalist Claas Relotius has been found to be a fraud.

This Just IN: Pravda on the Wabash

The Governor of Indiana is about to launch a state-run news service that will compete with agencies such as the Associated Press even as it controls access to public information. It is an idea that is terrible for a number of reasons, the primary one being this:

It might well work.

A Vast Silence

The New York Times ran a story that took Burt Likko’s breath away in outrage when he read it last night. But apparently, he’s pretty much the only one.

Driving Blind: Detain and Hold

In the UK, government officials threaten legal action against a newspaper for reporting on state secrets. In the U.S., the executive editor of The New York Times does a Q&A on, among other things, why she’s not actually a mean person.