Tagged: japan


Ordinary World: Christmas Hangover

Your Ordinary World: Christmas Hangover edition, with links to stories you should catch up on now that the daily grind replaces merry & bright. Read, share, and discuss.


Ordinary World for 3 Dec 2018

Your Ordinary World for 3 Dec 2019 with links to stories about Brexit, China, India, Pakistan, France, Russia, Japan, Canada, and Nigeria where the president has announced that he is not, in fact, a clone.

Just who are the Japanese?

This isn’t particularly new or exciting, but I recently stumbled across this fascinating article from Jared Diamond on Japan’s enthnographic history.

Balance Sheet Recession

So I was listening to NPR this morning and a Japanese economist was talking about their “lost decade” and chalked it up to what he termed “balance sheet recession.”   Basically, too many people...