Ohisashiburi Desu Ne!
I’ve missed that sustained discourse and offer the following unsolicited thoughts on random things as junk brought back from the wasteland
I’ve missed that sustained discourse and offer the following unsolicited thoughts on random things as junk brought back from the wasteland
The atomic bombs dropped on Japan are not only defensible, but actively good. The critics who ignore the historical record and embrace presentist analysis fail to deal in reality.
In an era of boring mass media, we need creative weirdness more than ever. “Music is Over!” gets weird. But weird is probably what we most need right now.
The bonds between Miyazaki’s characters are the sinews binding his movies together, bringing all this wondrous art, imagery, and themes into one coherent whole.
Sixty-Five Years Later, Godzilla Continues To Be A Symbol For Everything From Humanity’s Sins To A Force Of Nature To Even Box Office Superhero.
Your Ordinary World: Christmas Hangover edition, with links to stories you should catch up on now that the daily grind replaces merry & bright. Read, share, and discuss.
Your Ordinary World for 3 Dec 2019 with links to stories about Brexit, China, India, Pakistan, France, Russia, Japan, Canada, and Nigeria where the president has announced that he is not, in fact, a clone.
This Week: Japan, Africa, Nordica, Islands, Historia, and Space!
Ignorant protesters successfully censor an art exhibition in Boston.
Tod’s recent post on contraception contained this thought-provoking segment: Another note of interest was this argument by Connell: “Birth control as it is now practised in the United States is bound to bring about...
Sunday was the one-year anniversary of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami that killed 20,000 people, and I feel I kind of owe it to myself and others to share my thoughts. I haven’t really...
This isn’t particularly new or exciting, but I recently stumbled across this fascinating article from Jared Diamond on Japan’s enthnographic history.
So I was listening to NPR this morning and a Japanese economist was talking about their “lost decade” and chalked it up to what he termed “balance sheet recession.” Basically, too many people...