Hollywood: Time to Use Your Superpower for Good Again
Hollywood has used two tropes to ramp up the action and suspense in movies: gun violence and the “lone wolf” law enforcement officials
Hollywood has used two tropes to ramp up the action and suspense in movies: gun violence and the “lone wolf” law enforcement officials
They are bending the will to China because the Chinese government can and will demand it in a way that the US government won’t and can’t.
On the once forgotten Hollywood storyteller and the recent biography that reminded us of her own story.
The Golden Globes were last night, and the very serious folks in very serious and important Hollywood took exception to host Ricky Gervais mocking them
Destroy everything about this except it’s ears. It’s ears it keeps, and I’ll tell you why…
We’ve had female Terminators and female superheroes. Why couldn’t a woman be the next John Wick?
The cast of the GOP primaries is just horrible. Who wrote this crap and how were these characters conceived?
Advanced showings of Michael Bay’s upcoming Easter movie, which depicts the events immediately preceding and following the crucifixion of Jesus, has come under fire from critics and religious scholars alike. Hoping to stave off protests, Bay has issued both an apology and explanation. Will it be enough?
Freddie nods approvingly at Conor Friedersdorf’s latest manifesto for conservative writers and entertainers at Doublethink online, and sure enough, it’s a good read. But I wonder if Hollywood’s laissez-faire approach to ideology extends to...
I think Joaquin Phoenix is a good actor but honestly what the hell is going on with him?