Sports and Politics: 1869 and 2019
“Keep politics out of sports!” “Just report what happens on the field!” This isn’t how it works.
“Keep politics out of sports!” “Just report what happens on the field!” This isn’t how it works.
Joe Biden talked about these formative events to a generation. The problem is that was not only a generation ago, but nearly two generations ago.
The story of Handel, a young Mozart, a Dutch church, Johnny Cash, and holding my kids hand, all set to the subtle sounds of a pipe organ.
History has been something that my father has given me with very little in return; not simply because I don’t want to give back to that tradition, but because I haven’t yet had the life to lead which gives to the story of my family and of mankind as a whole.
The dirty history of West Virginians trying to get clean of documentary perceptions.
When people’s children are more likely to survive, they have fewer of them. This is a great triumph of the modern era.
A primer on the Indian presidential election, Indian politics, and Indian history.
My son cannot understand why anyone cared if the Hindenburg blew up because he is eleven years old and thinks the world is an anime.
My point is that a Trump defeat would be the first time in modern American politics where a good economy wasn’t enough to keep an incumbent in office.
All of us look to the flame-scarred icon along the Seine and wonder what will be next for this mighty watcher of the affairs of mankind.
The Doolittle Raiders, as they preferred to be called, had long since planned for there being only one, and then none of them.
Ordinary Sunday Brunch is Ordinary Times’ Sunday Morning tradition of bringing you links to stories about music, art, history, and food to read, share, and discuss.
Ordinary Sunday Brunch: Culture Links is Ordinary Times’ Sunday Morning tradition of bringing you links to stories about music, art, history, and food to read, share, and discuss.
Ordinary Sunday Brunch: Culture Links is Ordinary Times’ Sunday Morning tradition of bringing you links to stories about music, art, history, and food to read, share, and discuss.
Ordinary Sunday Brunch: Culture Links is Ordinary Times’ Sunday Morning tradition of bringing you links to stories about music, art, history, and food to read, share, and discuss.
Your Ordinary World for 3Jan19 with links to stories on history, religion, housing, and lawns.
Ordinary Sunday Brunch: Culture Links is Ordinary Times’ Sunday Morning tradition of bringing you links to stories about music, art, history, and food to read, share, and discuss.
Ordinary Sunday Brunch: Culture Links is Ordinary Times’ Sunday Morning tradition of bringing you links to stories about music, art, history, and food to read, share, and discuss.
Ordinary Sunday Brunch: Culture Links is Ordinary Times’ Sunday Morning tradition of bringing you links to stories about music, art, history, and food to read, share, and discuss.
Ordinary Sunday Brunch with Sunday Morning cultural links to stories about music, art, history, and food to read, share, and discuss.