Thursday Throughput: Boeing Edition
Various grifters have rushed to blame this on “DEI” policies at Boeing. But the problems are more conventional: corporate greed, regulatory capture and a culture of cutting corners.
Various grifters have rushed to blame this on “DEI” policies at Boeing. But the problems are more conventional: corporate greed, regulatory capture and a culture of cutting corners.
One day or one month or one year does not reverse a decades-long trend.
An unprecedented heat wave inevitably comes the debate on whether it is the result of global warming. The answer is no, but yes.
Last week, NASA announced the discovery of one of the most unique systems we’ve ever seen. Behold TYC 7037-89-1.
The Covid vaccine is not the end of the War on COVID. It’s D-Day. It’s when we begin to fight back against this indifferent monster.
I can see why it is being made. Both climate change and COVID-19 are science-heavy global problems. But the comparison doesn’t work…
So as long as you don’t dive into the deep motion, dig a meter into the sand and then get intimate with it, you should be fine and not get Chlamydia
The sheer number of planets in our Galaxy makes the existence of extraterrestrial life very likely. And the number of planets in our Galaxy — indeed the Universe — is not speculation; it is increasingly solid hairy fact.
In a little over a week, we will have an extra day in February. Why do we do this? Because the time it takes Earth to revolve around the Sun is not exactly 365 days.
The dimming is interesting. But it doesn’t change the overall math at all. Betelgeuse could explode tomorrow. Or it could explode a thousand centuries from now.
I was peripherally involved in this research, which detected some of the highest energy photons every seen from a gamma-ray burst.
In the decades to come, we’re going to learn a lot about alien planets. It would not surprise me at all if we found ones like New Caprica or Arrakis.
I’m not one of the “we have 12 years to save the planet” doomsayers. But it does feel like we are approaching an inflection point. We will survive; but our options for how we will survive are narrowing rapidly.
If Musk’s full system comes on line, the simple fact is that no one has done the kind of careful study needed to figure out the impact of this constellation.
Scientists need our own version of Rule 34: if it exists, someone is studying it.
The only thing Malthusian predictions have had in common is being completely wrong
Saturn is losing its rings. The shepherd moons are keeping it together but the ice is slowing raining down on the planet and not being replenished. So be sure to take a look some times in the next … well, 100 million years.
You are trying to balance two environmental disasters against each other, with catastrophe looming on either end.
Despite what many GOP contenders for the 2012 presidential nomination say, the Earth really is heating up, and the costs of global warming may be drastically higher than previous estimates suggested. Meanwhile, investigators in...
Belief in anthropogenic global warming is a sort of political signifier for American liberals – if you don’t think human activity is changing the Earth’s climate, they’re probably not going to take you very...