Tagged: freedom

Triaxial Epistemology

By way of Popehat, Arnold Kling on a root problem with contemporary political discourse, summarized in the Wall Street Journal: Mr. Kling’s three “languages” are ways of talking about politics and government, and they...

The Hunger Games and Politics

So what did I think? The Hunger Games is about the empire of economic necessity. If you’re a human being, congratulations. You’re playing the hunger games too. Within just a few hours, you will...

Nostalgia & Freedom

“In general, I am agnostic on exactly how libertarian I want society to be.  What I know is that I want more libertarianism (of certain kinds) than we have right now.  After some changes...

Rally to restore Irony

Will Wilkinson writes that Peter Beinart’s critique of Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity “cuts deep…when he observes that the focus on ‘sanity’ is demeaning to the tea-party movement and its sympathisers, and reflects...