The Babyproofed Society: The Urge to Eliminate Risk From American Life
The trial balloon of banning gas stoves is just another example “Babyproofed Society,” of the progressive quest to eliminate risk from American society.
The trial balloon of banning gas stoves is just another example “Babyproofed Society,” of the progressive quest to eliminate risk from American society.
What does getting vaccinated have to do with freedom? It depends on what you mean by the word “freedom”…
In recent days, I’ve read about the burning of books on the streets of Portland and of Harry Potter books torched by the far Left. I don’t like burning books, to put it very...
I wonder how far they can go, how long this can go on, before we lose our collective willingness to submit.
A popular computer game asks a troubling question: Is space our salvation – or a cruel mirage?
This week! Religion, Nature, Democracy, Education, Sex, and Freedom!
I’ve never done this before — promoted my own comment, that is. But I think I got a pretty decent thought out there.
Because just making two quick points seemed somehow lazy, and making four quick points felt like overkill.
By way of Popehat, Arnold Kling on a root problem with contemporary political discourse, summarized in the Wall Street Journal: Mr. Kling’s three “languages” are ways of talking about politics and government, and they...
Note: This post may – or may not – be part of our League Symposium on Democracy. I can’t quite tell. [Moderator: Looks like it fits in to me. – BL] In any case,...
So what did I think? The Hunger Games is about the empire of economic necessity. If you’re a human being, congratulations. You’re playing the hunger games too. Within just a few hours, you will...
The religious freedom issue created (highlighted?) by the Obama administration’s newest healthcare mandates is a hard one for me to grapple with. Part of the reason for this is my aforementioned agnosticism. As I...
Over at the Atlantic, Brian Resnick has dug up two essays from his magazine’s October 1939 edition. One argues for legal contraception, the other against. Birth Control: The Case for the State by Don...
“In general, I am agnostic on exactly how libertarian I want society to be. What I know is that I want more libertarianism (of certain kinds) than we have right now. After some changes...
Will Wilkinson writes that Peter Beinart’s critique of Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity “cuts deep…when he observes that the focus on ‘sanity’ is demeaning to the tea-party movement and its sympathisers, and reflects...