Rub and Tug
Sometimes enough is enough and you should step aside and let others have a swing at the pinata.
Sometimes enough is enough and you should step aside and let others have a swing at the pinata.
Perhaps the time has finally come for schools to recognize that they don’t need to distinguish between “ladies and gentlemen” when it comes to what team is taking the field, pitch or court.
Some people say Star Trek: The Original Series’ Mira Romaine is a Mary Sue only because she was written by a woman.
Most, and probably all of these job functions, are on track to become partially or entirely automated in the coming years.
Women’s health care, and even affordable access to health care in general, should not be an issue that is dividing us.
Formal equality is insufficient. Yet actual equality will be more difficult to achieve than most progressives realize, says James Vonder Haar.
Noam Scheiber makes a radical suggestion. Eric Posner has lots of reasons why it’ll never work. Burt Likko says, “There’s a few things neither of you bright fellows have thought of.”
New Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled today in favor of a plaintiff who sued for violation of one of that state’s anti-discrimination laws based on a photographer refusing to take pictures at her same-sex commitment ceremony. Burt Likko presents a digest of the decision.
Last week I wrote in the Daily Beast about the flack I catch when I take care of my kids. I’d been thinking about writing an article along those lines for years, but always...
I thought this would only have been a one-day thing. But we’re here on the third day in a row of huge decisions from the Supreme Court. At last, we have rulings on the...
Félicitations, nos amis. C’est la triomphe de la liberté, égalité, et l’amour. Célébrer et soyez joyeux!
While this video was sent to me a bit ago, I’d forgotten to post about it until today. I think it’s pretty cool — and with people’s access to voting having become such a...