Tagged: conspiracy theories


The Truth Behind Dresden

Bad faith arguers/actors on the world stage unite each year in using the Dresden narrative as a bloody shirt to wave away any criticism of authoritarian regimes.


Linky Friday: A Conspiracy, That’s What This Is

Linky Friday is Ordinary Times’ end of the week tradition of bringing links from across the web and around the world. This week conspiracy is the theme, with musical interludes and plenty to read, share, and discuss.

Van Jones gets a new job

I’m not interested in rehashing fringe conspiracy theories, but the folks at the Center for American Progress seem remarkably unconcerned about their new colleague ‘s connection to the 9/11 “truthers.”

Andy McCarthy, just askin’ questions

Seriously, National Review. This is getting embarrassing: I didn’t suggest that Bill Ayers is the author of one of Barack Obama’s biographies — I reported that someone else had made the suggestion and had...