Video Throughput: The Empire Strikes Back
Could a Hoth-like world exist? What about Cloud City? And what’s the deal with the Force anyway? Find out below.
Could a Hoth-like world exist? What about Cloud City? And what’s the deal with the Force anyway? Find out below.
Malthusian theory is fine … in a vacuum. But when you take into account human behavior and ingenuity, the theory falls apart.
Out of this madness, Uhura appeared. A vision in red and black. Beautiful, smart as hell and not interested in nobody’s nonsense.
An unprecedented heat wave inevitably comes the debate on whether it is the result of global warming. The answer is no, but yes.
Basically, we seem to be in a cycle where COVID is throwing new things at us every six months or so as it continues to circulate through populations.
After a quarter of a century, we are finally getting the results of this massive project. And, already, JWST exceed our expectations.
Three-and-a-half years (or 14 Mercury years) is a long time to wait for the mission to really get going. But Mercury will be worth it.
What enraptures children about dinosaurs? Maybe it is, as Dave Barry said, that dinosaurs never get told to go to bed or eat their veggies.
Any fool can point out the thing Star Wars gets wrong about science. But what did it get right? You’d be surprised how visionary George Lucas was.
The search for genetic correlations to racism, in my view, is little different in spirit than the skull measurements of phrenologists from days past.
So, here’s the story on monkeypox. It is DNA orthopoxvirus — that’s the family that includes things smallpox.
oday, I celebrate the unveiling of the Milky Way’s black hole by reviewing the film that Neil DeGrasse Tyson once described as the most scientifically inaccurate movie of all time.
Is that they Eye of Sauron? The Ring of Power? Alex Jones’ colonoscopy? It’s actually the black hole at the center of our galaxy
We want a vaccine that deals with variants in the same way that the measles vaccine does. Some don’t think that is possible with coronavirus.
Disney’s 2012 John Carter. Is it accurate? Was it accurate when the books were written? Should it have flopped?
Russian soldiers literally dug in within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and some are now possibly being treated for radiation sickness. So what this story here?
Ever since the Maunder Minimum was discovered by 19th century astronomers poring through old records, we’ve wondered what caused it and if it might occur again.
The newly detected star is so far away that its light has taken 12.9 billion years to reach Earth, appearing to us as it did when the universe was only 7 percent of its current age, at redshift 6.2.
By viewer request, I take a whack at the 1994 movie Stargate. I talk about wormholes, linguistics, how to find your place in the universe and why I hate ancient aliens.
The fun part is…this isn’t James Webb Space Telescope doing science. This is just an image to check the alignment and make sure everything’s working according to plan.