In Defense of a Useful History
The case that the invasion of Ukraine is not a historical outlier is essential for present discourse on the topic
The case that the invasion of Ukraine is not a historical outlier is essential for present discourse on the topic
Andrew Ellicott’s expedition in Georgia took a year. I left my house that morning at 7am and was home by 5pm.
Thomas Dewey’s legendary battles helped to shape the Republican Party for the duration of the twentieth century and into the twenty-first.
Would Steinbeck’s Grapes have passed this Rowling Test? Or George & Lenny’s discov’ry that the best Laid plans of mice & men gang aft agley?
St. Stephen’s Day is celebrated on December 26th. Or the 27th. Or January 9th. Look, it depends on the variety of Christianity one practices, okay?
Graves attributed to Tiberius this: “I am nursing a viper for the Roman people, and Phaethon for the whole world.” Graves meant Caligula.
People didn’t think Columbus was nuts because the Earth was flat. They thought he was nuts because … well, Columbus *was* nuts.
1906 would prove to be a year where the votes were decided on a clash between the old machine politics and the new power of media
As per an executive order by President Biden, the FBI has released some still-redacted but declassified 9/11 documents on the September 11th 20th anniversary.
In 2011, we had a bunch of essays written about 9/11. Mine was “On the Changing of Narratives“. I look back at that now and shake my head.
Like all other Americans, 9/11 had a direct effect on my life starting with what I saw that morning.
Chris Mackowski of the Emerging Civil War Blog joins Dennis Sanders on the latest episode of his En Route Podcast.
When Eisenhower spoke on the polio vaccine it wasn’t just his words but his reputation and application of leadership that would be needed to carry the day.
Before the singing, dancing, rapping, and shooting, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr starred as co-counsels in The People vs. Levi Weeks
I take little moments of astronomy in the films Moana and Master and Commander to talk about how our ancestors navigated using the stars.
Those playgrounds and slides were built in the near memory of one of the worst things that has ever happened to the world
Charlottesville removes statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson at the center of the deadly 2017 “Unite The Right” rally
Residential school survivors have shared horrific accounts of abuse, neglect, and difficulties getting documents from the Catholic Church
The annual Hong Kong public vigil for the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre is looking like the original event’s aftermath.
The years-long effort to remove the visage of Nathan Bedford Forrest from Memphis is progressing in fact, if not fully in spirit.