Thomas Dewey: The Titanic Little Man Beyond Just “Dewey Defeats Truman”

Cheese For Everyone

The political scientist calling himself Cheeseforevery1 is a professor at a university in the southern United States. Originally from East Tennessee, he specializes in the presidency, executive power, and the administrative state. He can be reached on Twitter at Cheeseforevery1.

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3 Responses

  1. Interesting piece, thanks for sharing!Report

  2. CJColucci says:

    When do we get Harold Stassen?Report

  3. Jack Benny visits his vault, He says hello to the guard, a fairly ancient little old man.

    “Hello, Sam.”

    “Hello, Mr. Benny, What’s new with Dewey?”

    “Oh, he lost.”

    “Not him. Admiral Dewey!”Report