A Coronavirus Garden in the Sun
So, despite being an avid vegetable gardener, I have not been able to indulge in my hobby, having to keep myself limited to a couple flower beds, hanging baskets, and plants that mice don’t have a taste for.
So, despite being an avid vegetable gardener, I have not been able to indulge in my hobby, having to keep myself limited to a couple flower beds, hanging baskets, and plants that mice don’t have a taste for.
Just the simple little joys of running the errands that I haven’t run for a month would sound sooooooo good.
You’ve probably heard of the “If I get corona, I get corona” spring break partier, but in case you haven’t, here it is:
When the world’s Jews gather to celebrate Passover this Wednesday night, our seder tables will be uncannily private, small gatherings reduced from the scale of family to that of individual households
Why do we keep talking about “the economy” as though it’s not made out of human lives?
I just ribbed him good-naturedly, while the two of us sat out on the back deck, washing our groceries down with Clorox wipes.
It is reasonable to suspect that the trend toward telehealth will continue, even after the pandemic has been tamped down.
Every person who dies from COVID-19, or any other cause, is a life to be celebrated, remembered, and mourned.
If you want to talk the talk of conservatism when times are good, surely you gotta walk the walk when they aren’t, doncha?
When West Virginia’s governor “Big Jim” Justice speaks, the residents hold our breath to see what sort of colorful (read: embarrassing) babble will come out
The options before us are not “burn the economy down through quarantine” and “burn the economy down through an epidemic”.
I realize the idea is to not discuss current events due to how morbid things have become, but wow, never read about a pandemic during one.
All of this was done without thinking of how to keep up public morale. How long can people put up with quarantine?
Non-doomsday prepping is NOT about going out and buying massive amounts of dehydrated camping food you’ll probably never eat. It’s about embracing preparedness as a lifestyle
Quarantine reading gives a moment to consider the literature of pandemics past