Fiction: Ghost of a Hundred Miles Too Late
It was so sudden. What a shame. How sad. We knew they had had a hard time, but we thought it was getting better. Why?
It was so sudden. What a shame. How sad. We knew they had had a hard time, but we thought it was getting better. Why?
The Tommy Shelbys and Nucky Thompsons of the world are parasites on the real men who make the world go round.
So much is happening right now that it’s hard to pay attention to any one particular thing, particularly my implausible escapades.
By this point, I am afraid that the absurdity of all this had become too much to bear.
The following story is humorous. As far as we know Mike Pence could, in fact, use his fingers to count to ten, were it necessary.
If you choose to rely upon Google, Verizon, and/or Samsung products as an aid to road navigation, do yourself a favor and verify the route using traditional methods.
The following story humorous: As far as we know Mike Pence can not, in fact, whistle loudly without using his fingers.
The following story is meant to be humorous, and is not intended to represent men of steel or any other alloy for that matter.
The following story is meant to be humorous. As far as we know Mike Pence did not, in fact, foil a Jesuit conspiracy.
The following story is meant to be humorous. The real-life Mike Pence is not, in fact, an expert in 19th Century whaling techniques
The following story is meant to be humorous. The crew of Apollo 11 did not, as far as we know, have a Duty Free catalog in the Command Module.
The following is not intended to represent the real-life Mike Pence. As far as we know has not, in fact, nearly soiled himself in the Maine Wilderness.
The following story is meant to be humorous. As far as we know he has never, in fact, dressed as a woman. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Whenever people wonder whatever happened to that beloved star of yesteryear, Bryan O’Nolan investigates.
The following story is meant to be humorous, and is not intended to represent the real-life Mike Pence. As far as we know his face has never, in fact, turned into a liquid he...
Vice President Michael Pence has musical tastes for which the adjective eclectic is an understatement, and led us down some strange, old town roads.
The following is humor. As far as we know the extent of Mike Pences’s knowledge of the Lanthanide series is not, in fact, a matter of public record.
Most people don’t associate Mike Pence with a swathe of retail destruction the likes of which would impress Genghis Khan himself, but it happened once.
Humor: “It was at a rest stop outside of Dayton, Ohio that the hunger kicked in. Mike Pence and I were with our roommate Dick Richards buying snack foods and drinks”
Parody: To this day, Mike Pence carries a sharpened Newberry Knife about with him at all times, just in case.