The Time Bryan O’Nolan Met Mike Pence at a Foreign Policy Event

Bryan O'Nolan

Bryan O'Nolan is the the most highly paid investigative reporter at Ordinary Times. He lives in New Hampshire. He is available for effusive praise on Twitter. He can be contacted with thoughtfully couched criticism via email. His short story collection Mike Pence & Me is currently available from Amazon.

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4 Responses

  1. Burt Likko says:

    I was expecting Kamala Harris to kick his ass all over the VP debates. He more than held his own, fly-on-the-forehead incident notwithstanding.

    He hasn’t a chance of getting past the Trump bloc, I should think, but that’s not for any good reason but rather for the thoroughly irrational, emotional reasons that power Trump. Your sober impression of as a politician seems spot on.

    And… I’m a big flabbergasted to see you handing the book to him. What a moment!Report

  2. J_A says:

    I don’t know if I can ignore his weird social conservatism/“morality” views, which, seems to me, get in the way of being an effective leader in the year of our Lord 2023 (or the 21st century, when he was governor.

    His reaction (lack of) to the 2015 HIV crisis in Indiana shows that he’d rather be a “Christian” (scare quotes intentional) that someone that would do the best for the people under his care. His first impulse was not saving lives, but rather punishing sinners. He’s not the guy I want in charge.

    I wonder if anyone asked him about “morality” that day, and what his answer was.Report

  3. Slade the Leveller says:

    A college friend of mine wrote this profile:

    Pence has always been a political drone. Hitching his wagon to Donald Trump killed whatever shred of credibility (and dignity) he might have had left.Report