Fringe bipartisanship

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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14 Responses

  1. Scott says:

    The NYT says the legislation is only an audit of the Fed’s “emergency actions during and after the 2008 financial crisis…” That is quite different than an audit of the Fed.Report

  2. ThatPirateGuy says:

    Civil liberties, free markets, and strong safety nets – all coupled with a non-interventionist foreign policy.

    God I’ve been basically here since I turned 18 in 99′. Civil liberties and the venom with which the right hate the ACLU, secular people(me since I was 14), and science have made it so that I can’t imagine voting for the GOP.

    If there can be a genuine debate and conversation between different economic perspectives and a respect for the power of the free market then I would love that. When it comes to recruiting voters like me the GOP made themselves dead to me by engaging in culture war against me.Report

  3. Jason Kuznicki says:

    Ron Paul did not support this bill because at best it’s half-measure:


  4. greginak says:

    @Jason Kuznicki, Yeah why support something positive, if it doesn’t get everything. Ron Nader”s idealogical purity is wondrous, but how does it get anything done? How does opposing this move us closer to anything he wants?Report

    • Jaybird in reply to greginak says:

      @greginak, now you sound like Koz talking to Libertarians about how much Libertarians ought to love Republicans.Report

      • greginak in reply to Jaybird says:

        @Jaybird, in what language do i sound like that? I’m not seeing it. I’m snarking at Ron’s purity making him too good to support something that seems to move in the vector he wants.Report

        • Jaybird in reply to greginak says:

          @greginak, and I’ve heard similar about how Libertarians ought to move in the direction they want by joining forces with the Republicans.

          I’m just saying that, eventually, you get tired of joining forces with someone to move things in the vector you want and noticing that, no, things never move in the vector you want.

          Eventually you shrug and find that purity and not getting what you want is better than merely not getting what you want.Report

          • greginak in reply to Jaybird says:

            @Jaybird, But this is one specific issue not joining with anybody in some coalition. In any case no democracy is ever going to be anybodies ideological wet dream. Nobody always gets what they what, but sometimes you get something that is better then nothing. Couldn’t this be a bit of self-fulfilling prophecy?

            Really how does he figure to improve things by taking his ball and going home? Beats me.Report

            • Jaybird in reply to greginak says:

              @greginak, sometimes “not participate in making things worse” is all you can do.

              Eventually “seriously, this is different” becomes something that sounds like just another lie, more’s the pity.Report

              • greginak in reply to Jaybird says:

                @Jaybird, Okay I can see that and at some point if all a person wants to do is sit on the sideline and criticize, then they are part of the problem. And if a person can’t put his beliefs into some sort of meaningful practice, like a legislator moving the gov in the direction he believes in, then i’m not sure why i should care that much about his ideas.

                Sort of like making an omelet, you have to actually break some eggs, which is messy and doesn’t always go the way you want, and then somebody wants cheese on theirs so you have do that, and they don’t want all those yummy green peppers so you have to move them around, and its never going to look exactly like the great pic in the cook book but at some point you got to make the damn omelet and mess up the kitchen or else we’ll starve.Report

              • Jaybird in reply to Jaybird says:

                @greginak, let me know when the government actually creates an omelet in practice, rather than an omelet in theory according to the CBO which, may have to have assumptions readjusted following some fixes to the omelet that were deliberately withheld due to the CBO giving the wrong number of eggs required for the original omelet and, besides, if we don’t get the omelet from the federal government, we’ll all die.

                And that’s why we need more eggs.

                Greg, I hope you eventually notice that the government *ALWAYS* needs more eggs.

                And that you still haven’t gotten that omelet.Report

    • Jason Kuznicki in reply to greginak says:


      To be clear, I don’t personally have a very strong opinion. I’ve been very busy behind the scenes on some unrelated projects and have not had the time to follow the details of this story. The video got linked at another website I read, and I thought it seemed relevant to link it here as well. I’m not sure whether I agree.Report

  5. Bubbaquimby says:

    Civil liberties, free markets, and strong safety nets – all coupled with a non-interventionist foreign policy.

    So basically you want people who aren’t really libertarians. Just another reason why I think this coalition is dead in the water. Most libertarians just aren’t political enough and/or are ideologically too rigid to join a coalition like this.

    Basically you guys want fiscal conservative/moderates and social liberals with libertarian leanings in national security and progressive foreign policy.

    How you can’t think that is a pipe dream is beyond me. Even if I actually would love a party like that, I know it’s a folly.Report

    • Antiquated Tory in reply to Bubbaquimby says:

      @Bubbaquimby, Exactly. Add in the fact that with the Tea Partiers, their resentment of big government is first and foremost a resentment of redistributionist policies. I consider myself to be mostly a classic Liberal, and I wouldn’t touch these people with a bargepole.Report