We lost the old computer (2006 vintage) yet again, and after doing so, we finally said, “Heck with it! No more troubleshooting and repair,” and upgraded to a brand spanking new one.
As such, I am no longer merely a console peasant, but a semi-fledged member of the PC Master Race.
Given that my gaming expectations are either stuff for the PS4 or stuff from the late 90s off of, I need to know what I should play to take this new rig for a spin.
So… what should I be playing?
(Photo is “Untitled,” by our very own Will Truman. Used with permission.)
XCOM 2 and Darkest Dungeon!
What are the specs for your new machine? Not that it has anything to do at all with my game recommendations–I’m just a nerd and I want to know.Report
I’m not sure if XCOM2 works as well without having played XCOM. It’s a better game in many ways (much more than XCOM without Long War), but a big part of the impact to me was flipping all the conventions on their head – active rather than reactive, mobile rather than static, frantic dashes rather than patient crawls, gut feeling rather than careful analysis. Plus the relationships with Central, Shen, and Vahlen wouldn’t have the same impact.
It’s still a great game, but I don’t think it would be more than that if you came to it fresh.Report
You are 100% correct…but I know Jaybird played XCOM. ๐Report
Maybe I took the bit about “Late 90s off GOG” too literally.
XCOM2 should fill the strategy need for a while. By the time a campaign or two of that are done with, Stellaris should be up to the Clarke or even Heinlein patch, and we can think then about whether it is fulfilling its potential and is thus worth a recommend.Report
(I played it on the 360.)Report
It’s got an Intel Core I7 6700 3.4 Gigahertz processor, 12 gigs of ram (!), and an Invida Gforce GT730.Report
Oooh, that’ll do nicely!Report
So I’ll beat the First XCom on the PC, now that I have a computer that can run it proper-like, and then I’ll get into XCom 2.Report
Well Doom is out.
Witcher 3 DLC pack “blood and wine” is out may 31
As for old school. Some dude ported the whole Bungie Marathon series to PC. It’s downloadable. And kicks ass.Report
Doom is almost certainly the best FPS in purely technical terms and from what I hear a lot of the concerns from the MP beta about the pace being too slow turned out to be unjustified.
I still think, if you’re interested in a SP campaign (with cutscenes and progression – Doom has both of those but even in-game they lampshade getting back to the action as fast as possible), if you can find Shadow Warrior 2013 on a Steam sale, you’ll get better value for money.Report
Indeed, but I’ve already bought it. Right now I’m comleting all the DLC for Shadow of Mordor, then will cycle back to Witcher Wild Hunt for Blood and Wine. Then I’ll play Doom. Maybe about then, the rest of the DLC will be done for Fallout 4 and I’ll get that. Maybe on sale ๐Report
Oooh. Doom.
I might be able to get the bad taste of Duke Nukem Forever out of my mouth.Report
Also, and I think I’ve said it before, but if Steam ever cuts SUPERHOT to 33%, possibly even 50%, every single person out there regardless of their computer’s specs should buy it. At $24.99, it’s not worth it, but for $8.99 it’s almost a moral obligation.Report
It’s on the wishlist.Report
I’ll look for it next gog sale.Report
Civ V with all the expansions is worth it.
Shadowrun: Dragonfall, and Shadowrun: Hong Kong are worth it. That’s off the top of my head.Report
Shadowrun for Sega Genesis.
No question about it.
The one and only reason I’ve ever bought a gaming console.
If you can find a reasonable simulation somewhere, please provide a link.
Pretty please.Report