Monthly Archive: November 2023
My 2024 Voting Strategy (November 2023 edition)
Incompetent MAGA Republicans have taken winnable races at all levels and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Saturday Morning Gaming: Liar’s Dice and Lying Pirates
They took Liar’s Dice, an awesome game that is hundreds of years old, and made it even more awesome.
Throughput: Worlds Collide Edition
The collision hypothesis: that the early Earth collided with a Mars-sized object. This week, we got a big hint that this theory is right.
POETS Day! William Empson’s “Aubade”
An aubade is a song sung at daybreak, usually about lovers going their separate ways before getting caught. Many poets have a poem titled “Aubade.”
The Republican Albatross
If Republicans want to break their losing streak, my advice is to remove the albatrosses that they have hung around their collective necks.
What Do the 2023 Elections Tell Us About 2024?
The question in many minds is what these results mean for the presidential and congressional elections that are looming for next year.
About Last Night: Election 2023 Edition
It was a Tuesday election day, which means folks…welcome to Overreaction Wednesday! A tradition, just like any other election day-after.
231 BPM
The story of an out of control heart, and trying to verify which ER I could go to that wouldn’t risk financially breaking us.
Joe Biden, Foreign Policy Hawk
In many foreign policy endeavors, President Biden has turned out to be far more conservative than Donald Trump, the isolationist
The Month in Theaters October 2023
This month, I saw nine movies in theaters with twenty-two movies otherwise, including one repeat, for a total of thirty reviews.