Monthly Archive: February 2022
There is an AFL-NFC Championship Game today. This is its open thread.
Are you ready for some football?
Suspicious Persons, Fed Ex drivers and White Entitlement
Once again, white men decided independently of any legal authority that a black man in their neighborhood was not where he should be
American Sandwich Project: Love, Porktually, Part 1
How on earth pork can be romantic. Let’s start off by visiting the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, to find out more.
Saturday Morning Gaming: The Sexy Brutale
In The Sexy Brutale, you’re in a weird Groundhog’s Day situation where you’re stuck in the same 12 Hour Period where various masqued murderers are trying to kill various masqued Mr. Boddies
The Month in Theaters and Streaming For January 2022
After a late start, eight movies seen in the theaters, another 15 seen on streaming and elsewhere, and 20 of those reviews for you here.
POETS Day: The Second Oxford Expedition by W.H. Auden
Today’s poet is named W.H. Auden because his full name is Wystan Hugh Audan and he should begin each line with a curse to his parents for naming him Wystan and then urinating on the ground they are buried in.
Are Democrats Finally Learning How to Play Hardball?
Many Democrats still oppose redistricting for raw political gain. But Democrats also still hate Republicans
Video: Amir Locke Killing, Police/Criminal Justice Reform, & more w/ Dennis Sanders & Andrew Donaldson
Dennis Sanders joins Andrew Donaldson to talk about yet another police shooting in his home city of Minneapolis, this time the Amir Locke killing
Getting A Read On The Book Of Boba Fett
The Book Of Boba Fett, or rather, in praise and defense of the Star Wars role players that fill out the galaxy far, far, away.
Of School Lunch, Farm Bills, Free Riders, and Book Clubs
Given the evolution of the school lunch program, we are kidding ourselves if we tolerate subsidies for farmers but deny them to hungry children