September Jobs Report: It’s the Virus, Stupid


Motoconomist is a motorcycle riding economist comfortably squirreled away in the bowels of the federal bureaucracy, whose normal day job involves helping prevent the mistakes of the Great Recession. He lives in the Washington, DC Metro Area with his wife, his dog, and his 3 year old daughter. He often rambles about voting issues (he is a recognized expert on estimating voter behavior), housing policy and urban growth on twitter as @motoconomist.

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7 Responses

  1. Brandon Berg says:

    The male employment level is down from 83.9 million in February 2020 to 81.5 million in September 2021, a decline of about 2.8%. The female employment level is down from 74.9 million to 72.2 million, or 3.6%, all numbers seasonally adjusted. While women may have been much more likely to leave the labor force, there’s actually not a large male–female difference in the change in total labor force.

    Also, keep in mind that benefits expired on the 6th, and the establishment survey reflects the pay period containing September 12th, so it may be a bit too early to see the full effect.Report

    • Motoconomist in reply to Brandon Berg says:

      That .8% difference is actually quite sizeable when we think of it in terms of effect size. Female employment is recovering 30% slower than male employment. (3.6-2.8)/2.8Report

  2. Jaybird says:

    If I wanted to look up the whole forecasts where the outcomes exceeded expectations versus missed expectations and do it by quarter, how would I look that up?

    (I’m wondering if there are any patterns, you see.)Report

  3. Is the GOP discouraging vaccinations to tank the economy going into the midterms?

    No, they’re riding the tiger on this one, as witness how Trump and Lindsey Graham get booed for even suggesting that vaccination is an option. But it would be like them.Report

  4. Oscar Gordon says:

    I found this interesting, the really annoying bit is that business leaders KNOW that their AI systems are making them viable miss job candidates, but they seem unable or unwilling to fix it.Report