2020’s Best Albums

Christopher Bradley

Christopher is a lawyer from NEPA, aka, Pennsultucky, He is an avid baseball fan, audiophile, and dog owner. He spends the majority of his free time with his wife and daughters, reading, listening to music, watching baseball (except the Yankees) and writing.

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8 Responses

  1. Rob says:

    Love me some Sturg.

    My favorite album this year was the newest AC/DC. Call them cliched, but you get what you expect and that’s what I like.Report

  2. Charles says:

    I thought it was funny that Phoebe Bridgers mentioned that Clapton never responded to her diss track.

    Maybe he doesn’t feel like punching down — as in *way* down — Phoebe.Report

  3. Will says:

    My favorite album of the year was Expectations which is the debut album from Katie Pruitt. This album was raw and honest. It sounded like someone’s who’s been making music for over a decade. Rather then someone who’s just starting out.Report

  4. Slade the Leveller says:

    I only found out about this from an OT alum who does an end of year music thread on the Twitter. It’s at or near the top spot on my list. Shopping – All or Nothing.


  5. Slade the Leveller says:

    Husbands – After the Gold Rush Party
    I asked a co-worker what she was listening to one day, and this was it. I went right onto Bandcamp and ordered the LP.

    Field Music – Making a New World
    I’ve been a huge fan of the Brewis bros. for years. This year they released an album of songs about the after effects of WW 1. The record has an interesting back story, and the songs are really interesting, both lyrically and musically.

    Post Animal – Forward Motion Godyssey
    Think post-Barrett, pre-Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd, but with a harder edge, and you have Post Animal. Hoping the pandemic doesn’t put paid to this band. Their tour for this record was cut short due to venues being forced to close.

    Shopping – All or Nothing
    See above. An infectious album from start to finish. I’ll be picking up their back catalog.Report