Monthly Archive: April 2020
Going for the Grocery Gold
I just ribbed him good-naturedly, while the two of us sat out on the back deck, washing our groceries down with Clorox wipes.
Bill Withers Has Passed Away
This is impossibly sad news. Withers — who hailed from Slab Fork, West Virginia — wrote beautiful songs and never ever strayed away from who he was.
Ten Things I Think I Think About COVID As of April 3
I won’t say we’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel yet. But I will say we’re seeing that it is indeed a tunnel and not a bottomless pit.
Telehealth: Make Sure You’re Connected, the Writing’s on the Wall
It is reasonable to suspect that the trend toward telehealth will continue, even after the pandemic has been tamped down.
Carnage: 6.6 Million in Initial Jobless Claims, 10 Million Two Week Total
The data starting to come in on the economic toll of the COVID-19 virus and subsequent social shut-down was expected to be bad, and indeed is off the charts.
Non-Doomsday Prepping, Part 5: Suppertime!
In this edition of Non-Doomsday Prepping, we’re going to discuss food — a LOT of food. You do not need it all. You don’t even need most of it. You certainly don’t need most of it at any given time.
Thursday Throughput: Io Edition
The Era of Classical Astronomy — from Galileo through Newton — was full of these kind of elegant experiments to measure the shape and size of the solar system, the distance to the nearest stars and the speed of light
Wednesday Writs: Schoolboy Innuendo Edition
The School District was not willing to concede, and took our case of the week Bethel School District v. Fraser, to the Supreme Court.
Series! World Series of the 1940’s
Since baseball in present time is on hold for the duration, let’s resume our travels through its past. We began post-WWII and proceeded through the Nationals’ first championship in 2019