Maribou is fixin’ to go of galavanting somewhere for a couple of weeks. This means that I will be at home not galavanting somewhere for a couple of weeks.
And this usually plays out like this… Week One: Oh, it’s nice to do whatever I want and leave my cds on the passenger seat in the car. Week Two: Oh, I have stopped sleeping and the cats want to know where she is and I have to tell them I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know.
But the first week is pretty cool.
As such, this weekend will be devoted to doing the last little things that have to be done before something like this takes place. All of the chores and errands that she’s in charge of have to be set up so I can do them. Go out to the various grocery stores that have the travel-sized stuff that she prefers and get the little travel things that make the trip easy. Kleenex, gum, fruit roll-ups. Do the laundry of the stuff from the last week but also any clothing that we need to dig out of the winter stuff for just in case it’s cold there. (Or just cold in the first hour of morning or after the sun goes down.)
And, around all that, the usual stuff that has to get done. The trip to PetSmart and the trip for groceries and the game night climbing on Sunday and whathaveyou. The last normal weekend before the world gets turned topsy-turvy.
So… what’s on your docket?
(Image is “Play” by Clare Briggs. Used with permission of the Briggs estate.)
The Aunties have been road tripping in their RV through the Great Basin (and surrounding areas) and should be arriving for a visit on Sunday, so we are getting ready for that (and Bug is stoked, because he misses his Aunts).Report
Fieldwork with my research student, though I am predicting that takes two hours Saturday morning at most.
I will have to decide then if I take the shopping trip (mostly for bookstore and natural-foods store) I’ve been wanting to do for several weeks but got screwed out of last week because of flooding, or if I’m too tired. (I got the flu shot yesterday and I am kind of achy right now – I always get achy with it). It’s kind of involved seeing as the places I want to go are 30-40 minutes away from me, so I have to budget essentially half a day with travel time and also go everywhere I might want something because who knows when I have time to get back. (Teaching four different classes is for the birds)
At least I have no grading over the weekend. I had a rewrite that was technically due in one class today (optional rewrite so I am guessing at most 20% of the class is doing it) but I told them I doubted I’d have time to grade it over the weekend so they had until Monday to do it (and I added “And so I expect you will have proofread it!”)
(What I didn’t tell them was I was just sick of grading, and this was a long long week involving grading two exams and writing two more, and I just didn’t want to look at it.)Report
I’ll be mostly prepping for said galavanting, in the practical ways Jay lists and other ones like spending some good time with my friend who recently died and came back to life (thanks in part to crack medical teams, in part to her own fighting spirit), and who is still healing from the resultant brain injury. And some cuddling of spouse, most likely. I do miss him when I’m gone, though I tend to have more of a first week “oh noes where is Jay???” and then enjoy my independence for weeks 2-5… week 6 is when I snap back to the “oh noes” perspective….Report
Mi devas falcxi la gazenon hodiaux. Jam, mi verkis por La Anomaliston. Nun, mi ludos RimWorld.
Je dimanco, mi iros nordo ludi kun amikojn. Ni havas Novan Mondon de Tenebron ludo uzanta Cxangxlingo: La Perdita. Mi ludanta dentisto kiu kredas ke li forrabinta de eksteruloj. Sed la eksteruloj estas feoj.
Fidas min, tiu Esperanto sentigas kaj Google ne komprenas Esperanton.Report