Monthly Archive: July 2016
Kamikaze Cruz vs The Convention
In which a human Molotov Cocktail flings himself in the right direction.
CNN: Man shot by cops while lying down with hands up, lawyer says [+Video]
Kinsey said that when police arrived, he tried to explain that he was a behavioral therapist at the nearby facility and that his patient has autism and that he was holding a toy truck, not a firearm.
He then asked his patient, a 23-year-old, to be still and lie down.
“I was more worried about him than myself,” Kinsey told CNN affiliate WSVN.
Cell phone video from the scene released by his lawyer, Hilton Napoleon II, shows Kinsey lying on the ground with his arms raised and another man sitting cross-legged next to him.
“As long as I’ve got my hands up, they’re not gonna shoot me, that’s what I’m thinking,” Kinsey said.
“Wow, was I wrong.”
From: Miami shooting: Man shot by cops while lying down with hands up, lawyer says –
WATCH: unarmed man has hands in the air before N. Miami police shoot him. He was helping autistic patient @wsvn
— Brian Entin (@BrianEntin) July 20, 2016
When is a Speech More Than Just a Speech?
You shouldn’t judge Melania Trump by the incompetent actions of her husband’s staff. But you sure as hell should judge the staff.
Milo Yiannopoulos Isn’t a Free-Speech Martyr
It started Monday night, when Leslie Jones, one of the co-stars of Ghostbusters, was tweeting about some of the racist abuse she had received of late, and responding angrily to the harassers themselves. Yiannopoulos...
Chili’s in New York City: An Investigation
No matter what your opinion on Chili’s, you’re a phony-populist snob.
Leaguefest Update & Input Request: Friday & Saturday Evenings
We have a Friday night meeting place and a Saturday Big Dinner restaurant — but we still need your input.
Rick Wilson: Lapdance of Danger, or Big Trouble In Steamy Tampa
From 2012: You’ll all be pretty juiced by a long day of convention fun, swimming with cocktails and chock full of protein from a good steak dinner (You’ll never get a reservation at Bern’s...
Will the Chavistas Please Stand Up?
The radical left always wants to “overturn the system” but rarely acknowledges how often it fails with disastrous results.
Politico: Did Obama get Erdogan wrong?
A few months before Friday’s attempted coup in Turkey, pro-government media outlets there published reports that the United States was actively plotting to depose Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Things came to a head at a State Department briefing in late March, when a Turkish reporter confronted spokesman John Kirby with the rumor: “Does the U.S. government try to overthrow the Erdogan government?” he asked.
Kirby called the question ridiculous and refused to dignify it with an answer. There was no evidence to the charge. And when Turkey’s military actually did move against Erdogan on Friday, the Obama administration swiftly condemned the action.
Story Continued BelowThat doesn’t mean Obama has any love for Turkey’s longtime leader. Though he once saw him as a potential role model for Muslim leaders, Obama now considers Erdogan a thuggish autocrat who threatens Turkey’s democracy almost as much as the generals who tried to overthrow him. But Obama also understands that he’s stuck with Erdogan, a NATO partner he must deal with on critical security issues like the Islamic State and Syria. “You have to deal with the Turkey you have, rather than the one you’d like to have,” said James Jeffrey, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey under Obama.
Morning Ed: Britain {2016.07.18.M}
Winston Churchill was very suspicious of Mormons. Also Labour doldrums and Brexit stuff of course.
Jamie Palmer: Flag-Shaming in Response to Terrorism
Last night, a variation on this behavior proliferated across social media in the wake of the latest Islamist terror atrocity on European soil. “Your hashtags and customized tricolor avatars are worthless virtue-signaling,” it went....