Joan Walsh: Why I’m Supporting Hillary Clinton, With Joy and Without Apologies | The Nation
I’ve come to feel passion for Clinton herself, and for what I see as a movement that supports her, even though only Sanders is judged a “movement” candidate. I believe she’s evolved back to be the progressive Democrat she used to be, more progressive than her liberal husband. Some of my feelings remain defensive, but in a warmer sense: I really don’t want to see her abused again. I’m tired of seeing her confronted by entitled men weighing in on her personal honesty and likability, treating the most admired woman in the world like a woman who’s applying to be his secretary…
…Naturally, I will back Sanders if he’s the nominee. I promise I’ll eventually feel joy about it—after grieving, if Clinton were to lose again. But if that were to happen, it wouldn’t be because I was too busy protecting my lefty bona fides to say I support her, enthusiastically, this time around. I stand with a lot of women who feel the same way, including my daughter, and we won’t be erased.
From: Why I’m Supporting Hillary Clinton, With Joy and Without Apologies | The Nation
“the most admired woman in the world” seems to need, at least, a citation.Report – Most admired women in the world among Americans–xJ9bGsWhje – 4th in a worldwide poll.Report
I guess Oprah has slipped.Report
There are lawyers for that!!!Report
Unless Hillary came across a gros michael, she didn’t slip on a banana peel.Report
I weep for humanity if this poll is accurate.Report
I feel like the Clintons are loved and hated in equal measure.Report
I will say that I’ve met more Americans on this trip, Democrats and Republicans, who think she seems presidential than feel the same about Bernie Sanders.Report
Or we could let her off with a warning, This time.Report
Meh, it sounds like he is desperate to convince himself to like Clinton. I can certainly understand why.Report
‘What has she done that we’re bragging about?