Then you go to Maine and you see how outnumbered you are.
Comedian learned about white privilege in Maine.
Not just white privilege, either. Upper-class white privilege.
by zic · August 14, 2015
Comedian learned about white privilege in Maine.
Not just white privilege, either. Upper-class white privilege.
January 26, 2016
May 5, 2015
Due to problems related to a WordPress update, the site's layout had to be moderately altered. Some of the changes are temporary.
The Greatest Strike in History
March 30, 2025
March 28, 2025
They’re Acting Queer in Cleveland
March 27, 2025
A Loaf of Bread, a Container of Milk, and a Stick of Butter
March 26, 2025
Well, if you go with a pure description of events, it was just three guys roughin up another dude to see if they could get away with it. No racial motive involved. (Why bring race into this story? Only a REAL racist would do that, amirite) I mean, I’m sure if a cop or reporter asked those fellas what they were doing they’d say there was no racial motive involved and that they’re not racists. It’s all about tactics, man. Tactics.Report
When I was a senior in high school and looking at colleges, I went to a Bowdoin College thing at the Princeton Club.
That alone convinced me the college was too WASPy and Prep School for my upper-middle class but Jewish and public school educated ass.
I did like Colby though. Colby was cool.Report
I went to a Bowdoin College thing at the Princeton Club.
How do you live like this???Report
Geography? I grew up in suburban NYC. A lot of the Ivies have alumni clubs in NYC.
Stuff like this:
“Membership in the Princeton Club is restricted to alumni, faculty, and students of Princeton University, as well as alumni of a select number of affiliated schools. Early in the 21st century, the alumni of New York University, whose own club closed in 1989, became eligible for membership.[2] The club’s membership has more recently been augmented by the admittance of the former Williams Club members and alumni from select other universities are eligible for membership including University of St Andrews,[3] Case Western Reserve University, Emory University,[4] London School of Economics, Trinity College, Hartford, Fordham University,[5] Penn State University [6] George Washington University,[7] Rice University, Washington University in St. Louis,[8] Lafayette College and McGill University.[9]
Columbia University,[10] New York University,[11] Williams College[12] and The College of William & Mary[13] are separate clubs which share facilities and are “in residence” at The Princeton Club.”
San Francisco has a University Club that is not college exclusive but the by-laws say no more than 400 members at a time.
I am most decidedly not a member but I’ve been to the University Club for events for my alma mater.
So I was looking at colleges and Bowdoin was an option. They had an event, I signed up, and went. Decided the place was not for me, did not apply.Report
Please tell me that someone told you, “You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie!”Report
All the time especially when I don’t eat pizza with a fork!!
More seriously, I usually get very confused looks when I tell people I went to Vassar because no one seems to know that Vassar went co-ed over 40 years ago. My alma mater still seems to have a reputation for being a “girls with pearls” school.Report
OK, I’ve been skeptical of all the things you’ve said people judge you for, but this eating pizza with a fork thing is a bridge too far, sir.Report
I almost always eat pizza with a fork. (Well, a knife and fork.)
But my excuse is I broke my upper jaw as a kid, and it’ ain’t there, and often what’s filled that space is not up to the task of biting through hot pizza.
Last week, for the first time since I was 14, I ate corn on the cob by biting off rows instead of rounds. It was a joyous occasion, eating corn like a normal person eats corn. This week, I’ll have to forego the corn (and the ripening blackberries in the back yard), while I heal from extractions; but soon. . . I defend the eating of pizza with a knife and fork!Report
I was making a joke….Report
I know.Report
For the record, I eat fried chicken and barbecue ribs with a fork and knife.Report
I eat fried chicken with a spoon because if it isn’t a soft, soggy mess, it ain’t worth eating.Report
Wait, what? What kind of crazy fried chicken are you eating, son?Report
Dude, Boston fried chicken. If your fried chicken is boiled to death and made into mush the way the fried chicken experts up north make it, you are missing out.Report
I’m no supporter of the Confederacy, but this Yankee chicken abomination sounds like Just Cause for war.Report
I don’t know what to tell you. Next you’ll tell me that ribs shouldn’t require a chain saw to get through.Report
I wouldn’t know, I only order 1.
Yankee aggression knows no bounds.Report
Boston Fried Chicken is an oxy moron.Report
Bowdoin’s food, on the other hand, sounds pretty good by upper-middle class white standards.Report
It does seem a lot better than the average college dining experience. I have no idea what a meat shop is though, it sounds kind of scary.Report
1 1/2% milk? For fucks sake…Report
I’m pretty sure they serve chocolate, too.Report
My college had chocolate milk. But 1 1/2%? I didn’t even know that existed. It’s like they invented it just to feel special.Report
I only drink 2 percent. Only! Lower is water to me, higher is gross gelatinous shit.Report
What kind of people are you?!Report
And I take a hammer to my biscuits because if they ain’t hard enough to crack, take ’em back!Report
I’m amused that you’re having this conversation on a post about white privilege, truth be told.Report
Well, I trust that *everyone* knows I’m joking, right???
Because, dare I say, I have graduated onto the wondrous joy that is Korean fried chicken because it is even crispier than the American incarnation.Report