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Jaybird in reply to DavidTC on Group Activity The Full, Unedited Trump, Zelenskyy, and Vance Video
Hypothetical time: If a group of heavily armed black men arrived in Ferguson to “patrol” do you think they’d be asked politely to leave?Report
There are open carry groups comprised mostly of black people. At SXSW this year, we saw the he Huey P. Newton Gun Club rally and then march. I wouldn’t be surprised to see such a group show up now.Report
In Ferguson? Right now?Report
Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them show up in Ferguson now. They tend to go where the white open carry folks go (e.g., they came to SXSW because for the last few years a white open carry group has protested during SXSW).Report
And how, if at all, do you expect Huey P. Newton Gun Club’s reception from the police there would differ from the Oath Keepers’?Report
I dunno. Perhaps the cops will be smart and treat them exactly the same. Perhaps they’ll be idiots and target them.Report
Personally I wouldn’t say allowing a bunch of out-of-town white doofuses with guns to stay was “smart”
Also I wouldn’t say the Ferguson PD has established a lot of precedent for us to expect fair and equitable treatment…Report
By smart I just mean smart enough not to treat them differently.
But you’re right, I don’t expect them to behave “smartly,” as they’ve shown no real intelligence thusfar.Report
Kick ass mommas.Report
That’s them.Report
On the other side of the equation, anybody have a sense of the venn diagram of Oath Keepers and stuff like the banned Reddit forums where terms like ‘cuckservative’ fermented?Report
I wonder how many of them are opposed to women carrying guns?Report
I think most of them support it, to be honest; but it’s only a guess.Report
So let me get this straight-
Weren’t Oathkeepers the guys who said they would never side with the government to turn their guns on the American people?Report
From the article zic linked to:
So they’re in Ferguson, in their play-acting military uniforms, with assault rifles to…defend the protesters?
That is your belief?Report
And take a stand against police militarization. Don’t forget that part – they’re in favour of random whacknut militarization, not police militarization.Report
Who do you trust more:
Random whacknuts or the police?Report
False dichotomy.Report
Really? Because I find myself in a sea of random whacknuts every day and I am at ease until I notice cops start showing up.Report
I meant “false dichotomy” in the sense that there’s a significant overlap between “random whacknuts” and “police”. Maybe I should have used “false distinction”.Report
brilliant way to save the fumble, @glyphReport
Sorry? The way I used it is one way to use the term (though people often use it to mean that a distinct third alternative is being elided, rather than meaning that the first two alternatives overlap).Report
That’s what I mean by the brilliant save.
I was complimenting you for seeing the layers, not just the reflected heat.Report
(Oh, I get it now.)Report
Find me a police that’s dumb enough to put a lien on a judge.Report
The wind is in the buffalo.Report
Agent 67138 reporting for duty, sir. Your orders?Report
Find me a police that’s dumb enough to put a lien on a judge. And make it snappy!Report
I find that also, but then part of the reason I’m made uneasy by the cops is their militarization.
The random whacknuts I find myself surrounded by aren’t generally militarized – believing more than I do in the virtues of essential oils, this month’s diet fad, or the Bilderberg group’s involvement in drinking water fluoridation does not threaten me much.
Voluntarily showing up, white and conspicuously armed, at a scene of considerable unrest and anger over the actions of white men with guns, thinking your presence is going to somehow help calm things down – that’s rather more than the level of whacknuttery I’m accustomed to. I really can’t predict how I’d feel.
Come to think of it – in this case, they’re not random whacknuts. They’re export-grade whacknuts, the cream (or scum?) that rose to the top of the entire nation’s pool of whacknuts.Report
I am only going to add that, of the two groups who are armed, which group, if they chose to open fire, would be prosecuted aggressively by the state, and which would enjoy an enthusiastic pass & cover-up?Report
I do count more than two groups:
oath keepers,
native carriers both legal and illegalReport
3 of those groups fall into the “armed civilian whacknuts ” category.Report
Well clearly three of them are “armed civilians.”
Personally I’d guess three of them are also “armed whacknuts,” but the overlap of the two sets only has two members.Report
Who are you callin’ a dichotomy?!Report
Debate did a job on me,
Now I am a real sickie
Guess I’ll have to break the news
That I got no cites to useReport
Lyrics by The Bemoans.Report
I guess I better start head banging…against a wall!!!Report
I’ll go with the dichotomy angle.
As if the option of a professional civilian police force, and a civilized society, is simply too outrageous to be considered.
And being the anti-gun nut I am, I will suggest that of the 2 options Jaybird presents, each feeds off of, and justifies, the other.Report
If I can riff off of you for a bit, @lwa …
(warning, thinking out loud) I’ve started to think about the monopoly of force that the state has as less of a necessary power of government, and more of a (at least in society like America) public trust.
In the interest of maintaining civility & order, we the people place in the government a public trust for the use of violence (reserving for ourselves only the reasonable minimum needed for defense of self & family). If the government begins to abuse that trust, by employing violence carelessly & capriciously, and without responsibility &/or any ensuing justice, then the people will begin to take that trust back, even if they aren’t consciously, willfully doing it.
And of course the more the police employ violence, the more aggressively people will claim it for themselves. And we get groups like The Black Panthers, Oath Keepers, Huey P Long (this trend has been growing since the Civil Rights Era).
So LWA is right, the two feed on each other, but it isn’t about guns, except that in America (& other places), guns are the symbol of the right to exercise violence, the vehicle, if you will, that this is all expressed through. And I think that the Drug War, and the racism of the justice system, have served to rob whole minority communities of this symbol, while at the same time bringing oppressive violence against them.
OK, that last bit is still rolling around in my head. Feel free to pile on.Report
Can one ‘pile on’ with loud applause and agreement?
I was hoping more some stark disagreement, you people are the crucible through which I tend to fire & distill my ideas.
But applause if you must, I will be gracious.Report
I recall reading that Latin American rebel groups used the strategy of provoking the government to violence, by small scale bombings and shootings. Which would then result in a harsh crackdown of arrests and torture by the government, alienating and terrorizing the people, pushing some into the arms of the rebels, who would then continue the cycle.
I used to like cop shows, back in the day. Now when Mrs. LWA watches her shows like CSI or NCIS, I can barely watch, feeling nothing but scorn and contempt for what appears in my eyes to be the smug agit prop of the security state. The fresh faced kids clickety clacking on their computers and in an instant summoning up the entire life history of any person, the earnest investigator who brutalizes the guilty arrestee into confession, these things only cause me to silently wish for one of the suspects to blow that nice Mark Harmon away.
I don’t like this feeling. When I surf past TV Land and see Barney and Andy dressed in slacks and pressed shirts and never carrying anything more than a sidearm, in a world of peace and trust, where the cop who actually pulls his weapon is mocked as a bumbling fool, I become one of those conservative middle aged farts who dreams of a bygone age.
But even then, I have to remind myself that maybe Mayberry was the truth, the actual lived experience for a lot of people in North Carolina in the 50’s and 60’s.
But not all of the people. Only the ones who were white and prosperous. For others, the systemic violence and menace and intimidation that we see now, was present then.
People like me- white, male, Christian, prosperous- are just now witnessing what they have always experienced.
Which is why, even with the undercurrent of rage and loathing I feel towards the unjust system, I wouldn’t have any less scorn for the OathKeepers even if they were the Socialist Vanguard For The Protection Of The Proletariat.
Because whats the end game here, how do they expect this all to play out?
With sufficiently fearsome firepower, they expect the unjust gummint/ looters to cower and change their ways and behave nicely?
Or would they just react like the Latin American governments, to resort to ever more brutal and horrifying tactics to gain control?Report
It’s interesting how the only moral agents in that are the Oath Keepers.
With sufficiently fearsome firepower, they expect the unjust gummint/ looters to cower and change their ways and behave nicely?
This is why I found the Bundy Ranch confrontation so very, very interesting.Report
So did I.
Well, only if “interesting” means “depressingly familiar”.Report
My baseline was Ruby Ridge/Waco.
As such, I found Bundy to be quite novel.Report
I think a lot of people had that in their heads with regard to Bundy. He may have been breaking the law, but our LEAs have been too free with violence, and remote locations free of stray cameras (as one example on the list) do tend to bring out the worst.Report
But you guys understand why people like me don’t see Bundy as any sort of victim here?Report
Oh, I wasn’t seeing Bundy as novel because I thought he was any sort of victim.
I thought Bundy was novel because I expected him to become one.Report
This! David Koresh wasn’t a saint either, but lots of people died at Waco who didn’t deserve to.
So Jaybird & myself see Bundy and see what was shaping up to be another Ruby Ridge or Waco, with innocents killed or hurt, except for the presence of armed outsiders, who suddenly altered the calculus of the police from storming in with guns drawn, to let’s just wait this out.
And we aren’t the only ones. So in Ferguson, for instance, where the potential exists for the police to employ violence carelessly & capriciously, suddenly people are there, who are armed, who have expressed issues with police violence & the violation of civil rights, and the calculus changes, as people reclaim the public trust of violence for themselves, because the police can’t be trusted with it.Report
Bundy had just enough sense not to set himself on fire.Report
Perhaps, but the FBI knew they were setting up flammables, yet stopped the fire trucks at the perimeter & kept attacking the structure.Report
Yep. This is why I said this started in the Civil Rights Era. A lot of the state & local (& even some federal) gun laws on the books are relics of Jim Crow, where the original intent was that they were never meant to be applied to white folk. It’s why I agitate for their change, because they aren’t fair, they never were, because they were never intended to be, since only minorities would suffer under them.
Hence my comment below about cameras & firearms. Our system, for all it’s warts, still works. The Soap Box & the Ballot Box still have value & can effect change. I bristle at folks who even threaten the Ammo Box against government abuses when the first two options are still very much in play. They aren’t helping to protect gun rights.Report
And there is an alliance to watch, #blackopencarry.Report
Of for fishes sake….some dumbing f’ing people. Go be dumb in your own home.Report
An America where I can’t be dumb in public is an America I want no part of. Stop this prejudice against Dummy-Americans now!Report
That is what football games and your children’s weddings and graduations are for.Report
And vacations, too.
I sort-of miss the dog-on car discussions. Where’s Chevvy Case when you need him?Report
“dog-on car” urrmmm i must have missed that discussion in the threads about differing sex practices. I’ll have to google that.Report
It’s a Reverse Rusty Venture.Report
It’s a democratic fetish, as I recall. Some big D.’s couldn’t stop talking about it, it symbolized the explanation of everything that mattered to them.Report
But I don’t care about football, and it’s gonna be a long time, if ever, until my kids graduate or marry.
Looks like I am going to have to make my own dumb. And I’m just the guy to do it!Report
“I may not agree with your monumental ignorance but I’ll defend to the death you’re right to act stupidly!”Report
If they are being consistent, they are there to protect the protesters from police violence.
Beyond that, I have no idea what they are going to do.
@morat20 Your hypothetical isn’t so much. If any of those black protesters were armed, even peacefully, I doubt the police would be so restrained as they are with the Oath Keepers. Of course, having a bunch of armed friends nearby does tend to keep the police on their best behavior.Report
Not in Waco.Report
The difference between a planned assault & an unplanned, uncontrolled FUBAR can not be overstated.Report
I thought it might amuse you. I’ve actually wondered that this has been silent in the media. Should be rearing it’s ugly head as court cases unfold.
I’ve wondered if there’s a whole element to hippie punching here? Do biker gangs get the worst of the hippie punching?Report
Related to the issue of police violence
I think bikers do get some hippie punching, or rather, there is little obvious distinction between outlaw bikers who are part of a criminal gang, and people who are just part of biker culture, so they get lumped together.Report
PS From what I hear, the whole Waco thing fails the smell test in a lot of ways. Which is why the police are being so tight lipped, they are in DC/CYA mode.Report
Not sure how true this is, except if you’re a lunatic white rancher stealing from the feds.Report
It’s true in the sense that the cops don’t want a gun fight that they haven’t planned for and prepped for (well, nobody with any sense wants any kind of gun fight, but cops seem to have a habit of convincing themselves that they can plan & control a gun fight to their satisfaction – which is why we have SWAT raids on baby cribs).Report
I suspect ONE gun in a mass of black Ferguson protestors would bring on some awful police behavior. I don’t see any reason to believe five would change that (vs. providing additional justification for the resulting death toll as simply being “death by cop”)Report
If they were being consistent, they wouldn’t have suddenly discovered that the federal government claimed the right to kidnap and torture people in 2009.Report
Not getting an argument from me on that Mike.Report
You’re no fun anymore 🙂Report
I predict that the Oath Keepers and (if they show up) Huey P. Newton Gun Club will do nothing. They will have zero bearing on the situation.
I predict that this is much more likely.Report
I’m with Aaron on this one.Report
At Mother Jones, Brian Murphy has a fascinating profile of some Oath Keepers.Report
At the risk of losing my gun nuts cred, I am going to add this:
While I absolutely support the right of the OKs to attend the protest armed, it is not the smartest move to make.
If I was in charge of the show, I’d advise the OKs that, if they really want to be armed, keep it an unobtrusive as possible (holstered pistol, ideally – certainly nothing in the hands), but I would not encourage being armed. At least, not with guns. Police, if they want to, can provoke the situation until an armed OK makes enough of a mistake to give the police the barest of justifications to employ force, and then it will go pear-shaped in a hurry and the likelihood of the OKs coming out looking like anything other than trigger happy nuts is slim.
Rather, I’d have everyone equipped with multiple body cams all uploading to secure sites/servers, and then send them out in groups to record everything & anything the police do. Right now, the best tool we have to reform the police is turning public opinion against the police enough to force reform, and that involves having clear, convincing evidence of bad behavior & over-reactions.Report
They’ve called a state of emergency, does that impact open carry rights?Report
Nope, just bank runs.
Katrina caused a lot of state laws to change such that a State of Emergency / Martial Law specifically does not impact firearm carry (the thinking being that if things are bad enough to declare a SOM/ML, the police have lost much of their ability to maintain order & disarming people is counter-productive).
A quick check of MO seems to indicate that SOM/ML does not imapct carry rights.Report
That’s… actually a good thought.Report
At the risk of losing my gun nuts cred, I am going to add this:
Yer right. All the cred you built up all these years? Pffft. Gone!
Actually, I like to think that “gun rights” folk would realize that the world is a nuanced place and that often enough a hammer, in this case attached to a trigger, isn’t always the appropriate tool. So it depends on what a gun nut is trying to accomplish, seems to me. If the goal is to demonstrate that armed civilians can counter police abuses by a demonstrable show of arms, well, that’s one thing. If the goal is curtail police abuse in either the short or long term, then it seems like having lots of cameras rolling would be a better option. Especially since the threat of violence directed against police, real or imagined, from a vigilante force will only compound the problematic dynamic in play. Eg, by compelling cops to define a plan whereby future threats are met with even greater force.
I just don’t think a logic of meeting force with a greater opposing force will yield the right resolution to situations like this.Report
Sigh… It’s the price I pay for a moment of being reasonable. Time to go shoot something (usually balloons, those are fun to shoot).Report
Steel plates are more fun.Report
They are, although I tend to want to use soft nose or frangible for that, which is not something I normally shoot, so I have to plan ahead for steel plate shooting.
But balloons filled with flour do offer a nice visual, and are cheap as hell.Report
Just stay the hell away from armadillos.Report
I’m almost afraid to ask you to explain that Mike (I have no experience with Armadillos, aside from knowing they got impressive armor, can ball up, and have a freakish ability to jump straight up).Report
Some guy I think in Texas shot an armadillo (or as I like to call them, “a possum in a spacesuit”) and the bullet ricocheted off the animal’s armor and hit the shooter in the face.Report
And every other web page I visit has a link to that story it wants me to click.Report
@chris and I had an extensive conversation behind-the-scenes on armadillos today.
Here is a snippet:
Kazzy: What about armadillos?
I heard that a guy shot one and the bullet bounced off it and hit him in the face.
I assume this was Texas.
Chris: I rarely see them alive, though dead ones on roads are not uncommon
I think it was
Kazzy: What are they?
Turtles? Rats? Lizards?
Chris: Mammals
Kazzy: I mean, they’re armadillos obviously. But what is an armadillo?
It’s not a dinosaur?Report
All of the above.Report
I think of them as simply armored raccoons.Report
Well that is a disturbing thought.Report
Obviously, we need to incorporate armadillo technology into our protective wear.Report
Grow your own armadillo armor in a vat in your basement / garage. Just like sea monkeys!Report
(sung to the tune of the Armour Hot Dog song.)
What kind of kids need armadillos?
Fat kids skinny kids kids who deal with cops
Black kids Mexican kids
Even kids with lollipops
Need dillos
Shield the kids you love.Report
Annnnnd Zic wins the thread, with Glyph a close second.Report
Look at their faces: they’re armored anteaters. (Who are, in fact, their closest relatives.)Report
“their closest relatives”
Who, sadly, never call, after that huge fight about “species-mixing” at the marriage of Aunt Eater to Roly Poly.Report
It should also be noted that they’re so ugly they’re cute, and they’re even cuter when they’re eating fire ants.Report
From what I hear, anything that eats fire ants is nearly an object of worship.Report
Fire ants are quite evil. I have run ins with them every summer, but this summer I had a particular bad one resulting from me sitting on some grass adjacent to a mound that I could not see. I almost had to strip in the middle of town. If you’d asked me in that moment, I’d have evacuated the down and nuked the place to get rid of the bastards.Report
There’s also the guy who recently shot an armadillo and the “richochet” hit his MIL.Report
We call that a skill shot.Report
I wouldn’t stand any closer than 7 yards using ball ammo with steel plates.Report
Exactly. When I shoot steel, it’s pistol, usually at close range, with means shopping for the right ammo, and enough of it to practice with.
To be honest, this summer has just sucked with regard to finding time to go shooting. Ranges are all too busy or highly restrictive to non-members, and the fire danger is too high for wilderness shooting. Hopefully once things cool down this fall I can do some long range practice. I found my scopes & need to zero them back in, after all.Report
Time to go shoot something (usually balloons, those are fun to shoot).
There ya go. Back on track. All cred reinstated. 🙂Report
Streaming cameras and *gas masks*.
There are sometimes laws against concealing your face in public, so what we want is some sort of breather mask and clear goggles.
Also, battery-power fans.
And something to dispose of the gas grenades in. (What happens if you put them in water?)
When did we give the police the right to randomly assault people with tear gas and pepper spray anyway?Report
…and why the hell am I suggesting *other* people do this? Is there some sort of charity that will supply these things to protesters being abused by police we can donate to?
If not, why the hell not?Report
CopBlock appears to be more of a reporting network, but thanks for pointing them out. I’d seen them before, but somehow forgot they existed.Report
Channel 4’s report:
When I was called for jury duty, I sat next to an Oath Keeper who described the organization in a very interesting matter and somewhat differently from the “official” literature. I’m curious how organized a group they are.Report
So for all of the dire warnings about armed white men in the streets, has anything gone wrong?Report
To what extent do acts like this one change the narrative about the Oath Keepers?Report
It won’t change the narrative bc few if any people will hear about it.Report
It leaves with the same opinion of the OK’s. Adding more guns doesn’t likely make a tense situation better and it has the potential to inflame things. The OK’s are former cops or military. Maybe they should be speaking loudly to THEIR FORMER COP bro’s about treating minority people like crap. Maybe they could clean about what they seen to change the minds of people who don’t think the cops are often in the wrong. Maybe they could work to change the cops instead working on pushing 2nd amendment issues. That is quite of bit of what that article talks about, gun rights.
If it matters, and i’m sure it doesn’t, i can find a couple articles about people in Ferguson pissed off about the OK’s there.Report
One could make the argument that that is exactly what they are doing, by showing up & standing with the protesters.Report
Well they are standing with protesters, at least in their own words, and working for 2nd amendment freedoms they see being denied. Goodie for them but i’ve also seen articles from people from Ferguson wondering what the heck those dudes are doing and why. But in any case, just standing is nice but let them go loud and proud with how the cops hurt minority communities, let them call out their fellow cops and go all in for police reform.
You can say i’m suspicious of the OK’s and that would be true. I see little benefit from adding more armed people to a situation like this. I don’t’ see or hear them talking about the systematic problems with cops or the justice system . Since they are a conservative org they could, theoretically, do a lot to challenge the conservative narrative about cops should just be supported and cheered for defending us against the dangerous hoards.Report
That’s fine, be suspicious, but don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
They are there, standing with the protesters, publicly saying police should respect civil rights.Report
I’ve done some quick rereads of piece i’ve read in the last few days. Some of the OK’s said they were there protecting a reporter for Infowars, alex jones nutball website. Some residents were very puzzled and not happy with them there. At least one store owner was happy with them there.
Maybe some of them are really trying to protect protesters. I still doubt put more armed people into that situation is a good idea. They are protecting the rights they care about but aren’t going all in.Report
I think I was pretty clear about my position on the addition of armed persons up above.Report
Yeah, seriously. I used to think the Oath Keepers were, well, anti-Obama idiots. I was assuming they were basically an analogy with the Tea Party, like:
Pretending taxes suddenly got higher:Tea Party::Pretending we’re in danger of the government ordering attacks on civilians:Oath Keepers
Both of which *mysteriously* happened the second a Democrat got into office.
But, hey, just like I got some respect for local Tea Partiers when they attempted to push for solar power interconnectivity as a ‘get the government-regulated monopoly out of our power’ (And seemed completely shocked when the Republicans betrayed them for corporate interests, heh.), I guess I have to change my mind about the OK.
I’m not quite forgetting that they seemed a hella paranoid about the idea of the US government ordering attacks on civilians, when in reality a much bigger danger is, uh…what happens in Ferguson…but they’re *in* Ferguson, so, hell, they must have figure it out too.
And on top of that, their mere existence is pointing out the sort of insane hypocrisy about how police treat unarmed black protesters as much more dangerous than armed white protesters. I mean, people were making comparisons about that for ages, but it’s literally happening in plain sight of people now.Report