Umpiring in the Good Old Days
Last Sunday Umpire Smith was attacked by a mob, after the Cincinnati-St. Louis game, and the Globe-Democrat describes the scene as follows: “Had the umpire been a pick-pocket, who had just retired from business with a competency obtained from the rough element of those present, he could not have been more roundly abused. Each inning after the sixth, at critical intervals, the hoodlums yelled and hooted at him. The most disgusting phase of their conduct was at the close of the game. Smith left the grounds, with the Cincinnati players, and was followed to the herdic by a gang of rowdies, who yelled, howled and shouted to slug the – – -. Smith reached the herdic in safety, and the players followed him in. as the vehicle passed through the gate it was met by another mob of young roughs. The latter were armed with chunks of macadam, and, as the herdic passed into Grand avenue, they fired a volley of stones at it. The missiles were undoubtedly directed at Smith, as nearly all hit that end of the coach. One of the stones broke a pane of glass. Another hit Smith on the side of the head, and hurt him severely. Incensed at the cowardly assault, Capt. Snyder ordered the driver to come to a halt, and, as he obeyed instructions promptly, Snyder, Carpenter, Macullar and two or three others jumped to the ground and made at the gang. The latter turned tail as they saw the Cincinnati boys get out of the herdic and scattered like a pack of scared hounds. Then the players returned to the coach, but had no sooner reembarked that the cowardly mob surrounded them again. At this juncture the mounted police went to the rescue, and the hoodlums were scattered right and left, while the visitors were driven away at a lively rate. Source: Boston Herald September 17, 1882
The article says it is a coach. Even if it didnt say coach you can tell by the context. Im wondering what “macadam” is.Report
It’s a type of stone road paving material.Report
That just sounds nuts.Report
Think gravel driveways.Report
It was a joke.
When I was very young, we lived on a macadam street – it’s not *quite* like a gravel driveway, since the rocks are cemented together, not loose (though over time some break free).
As barefoot play was the norm, the soles of all the kids’ feet were like shoe leather.Report
I grew up in a small neighborhood that was initially populated with young families. You could tell where the adults’ careers were by how their driveways were paved. In order from working stiffs to rich folk: white gravel, brown gravel, cemented white gravel, cemented brown gravel, cement, asphalt.Report
The rocks they used in our street were gray, maybe roughly the size of a Super Ball.
[Fun Fact: the Super Bowl, is named after the Super Ball).
Super Balls are one of humankind’s greatest inventions, particularly when coupled with a concrete or asphalt driveway.Report
Yes i looked it up after that and read the Wikipedia entry.Report
Yeah, but… There was a complicated taxonomy of horse-drawn conveyances, with subtle social baggage carried by each type. You find this in old novels, where the author says what some character is driving, and the reader is expected to infer from this facts about said character. It can be quite opaque, to the point where a modern reader might not even realize he was supposed to glean something from this factoid, much less what.
In the instant case, it is a bit unusual that the vehicle was specified so narrowly. I normally see the more generic term “omnibus” (or, if the writer is going for a breezy tone, a ” ‘bus”). The herdic was a new invention from just the previous year. So these people had a sweet ride, with the newest technology. Make of this what you will.Report
There was a complicated taxonomy of horse-drawn conveyances, with subtle social baggage carried by each type. You find this in old novels, where the author says what some character is driving, and the reader is expected to infer from this facts about said character.
This reminds me of when I read American Psycho, and I didn’t get that the constant naming of brands/labels was supposed to tell you both about the narrator’s obsessions, as well as what he is inferring about the other characters from them. I just thought Ellis was a terrible writer who used brands/labels in place of characterization.
It wasn’t until I saw the movie that I got the (hilarious) joke.Report
I just thought Ellis was a terrible writer who used brands/labels in place of characterization.
No, that’s Tom Wolfe.Report
Aw, Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test was good. I never read The Right Stuff but the movie was good.Report
Ever read his fiction? Every character in it is described by what products they buy.Report
That’s because usually he writes about pop cultural views of popular culture. He’s writing at, like, three levels of meta about something meta to begin with no deeper interpretive meaning. So what people wear and purchase is all we need to know about the main characters. IF, that is, we understand the pop culture critiques of pop culture he’s critiquing.
Same with so much of that stuff, actually, seems to me.Report
Plus ça change.Report
Actually, in this case they do change. An incident like this is pretty much unthinkable today. The level of security doesn’t allow for it. This development occurred within my adult lifetime. Think of Morganna the Kissing Bandit. Such a thing would not be allowed today. I remember when it was normal for the crowd to run onto the field at the end of a big game. There are photos of fans perched on the outfield fence, ready to jump down with the last out. The players in the meantime would run for the clubhouse to beat the crowd. Again, simply not done anymore.Report
It might be unheard of at the professional level, but at the recreational level, harassing officials is not uncommon.Report
Including throwing chunks of pavement at him? That is a rough league.Report
There was at least one recent case of a soccer ref being killed. I think it may have been here in Texas.Report
Well, there you go…Report
Salt Lake City.
And Detroit
In Brazil, a ref was stoned, quartered and (supposedly) beheaded and the head placed on a stake, on-field.
This was after he had stabbed a player, who died of his injuries en route to hospital.
My god, this made me laugh.
Thanks, I needed a bit of humor today.Report
Imagine what violent emotions that sport would conjure if it included scoring.Report
Today, all the Giants fans are pissed off at the Padres pitcher who threw gum at Hector Sanchez after he hit a grand slam.Report
Well Californians are known for a strong desire for gum control.Report
Does anyone else imagine Richard sitting in an old recliner, reading 100-year-old newspapers, and living with a veil of ignorance over his face that tells him the last century didn’t happen?
“Ya know… I think this Yankees squad is much ado about nothing!”Report
The Yankees–that would be the Boston team, right?
Sadly, however, no recliner. I sit at a computer reading PDF files. The flash drive is a great boon to research.Report
If it weren’t for your presence on the internet, I’d imagine you as someone who pays exorbitant sums to all around him to keep him convinced it is still the 1890s. Kind of like “The Village”. Like, some kid in a newsies cap shows up every morning with your old newspaper and gives you updates on the Titanic or whatever the hell else was happening back then.Report
Actually (you probably saw this) the Yankees have officially declared that their franchise begin in 1903, and the 1901-1902 team was somebody else entirely.Report
It might even be true. I don’t know. But in that era it is entirely possible that the Baltimore franchise shut down and went home, and the league then looked around for a replacement.
I would look for two things to test the claim: the ownership and the reserved players. If Baltimore and New York had the same ownership, then clearly they were the same franchise. If the New York ownership paid money to the Baltimore ownership, then you have a prima facie case that they were the same franchise, with a sale and a move occurring roughly simultaneously. The reserve clause ties the players to the franchise, regardless of any moves or ownership changes, so if you see substantially the same players in 1902 Baltimore and 1903 New York, then this is a strong argument for their being the same franchise.
This isn’t my era. I go in for mind-numbingly detailed knowledge of baseball up to about 1885. After that I am just some guy. Want to know my opinion of the Black Sox? I have none. I have never studied it enough to formulate an opinion. There are guys whose mind-numbingly detailed knowledge focuses on that. I would ask one of those guys. How big an asshole was Ty Cobb? I’ve read a few books, but they are the same ones you have read, if you care. Should the Union Association be considered a major league? That is in my wheelhouse. I could go on at length.
So getting back to the Baltimore-New York question, I have no special insight. I just pulled up their rosters on There is only one regular starter on both rosters. This is consistent with their being separate franchises. But that’s all I’ve got. If pressed, I would refer the question to the SABR Dead Ball Era committee.Report
You ever read any of the Ron Luciano books? (I would be shocked if you have not). My favorite parts was when he tells the stories of the times in the minors where he and his crew are skedaddling out of ballparks to avoid hostile crowds.
But as you say elsewhere in the thread, different times. (though some minor league managers like to play for sportscenter)Report
Macadam on the herdic is indeed most troublesome! Enough to induce a megram.Report
I hear that as WC Fields. “Ah, yes, I too used to suffer from macadam on the herdic. Eventually I found a specific remedy, which I continue to use preventively to this day. “Report