I’m sure that those who got a PS2 in the first year or so remember that great feeling of accomplishment when they *FINALLY* got their hands on one and then they got it home and… there were no games. I mean, there was nothing out there worth playing. It wasn’t until around Final Fantasy X that there was finally a game worth getting and that was more than a year after the PS2 was released in the first place. (Seriously: from March 2000 until July 2001.)
Now, after that, the good games started coming out. GTA 3, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, all kinds of good stuff. But, man, until FFX? You were playing your old PSX games and deflecting questions about why it was so freakin’ important to get this dang black box.
Well, the first real reason to get a PS4 (or, I suppose, an Xbox One) is finally coming out soon: The Witcher: Wild Hunt. I mean, seriously. Check out these computer specs. It’s cheaper to get a PS4.
And as I was googling stuff about the game this morning, I learned that the United Arab Emirates has been selling its physical copies a couple of weeks early. So the UAE has pretty much come out and said “please don’t ship games to us until after the release date”. That said, if you’re going to break the rules and hobble yourself down the line for a two-week early chance to play a game, this looks like the game to do it for.
Though, honestly, I probably will wait for Cyberpunk 2077 until I start making noises to Maribou about how the PS3 is making weird noises.
So… what are you playing?
Mortal Kombat X and Arkham Knight would be nice to play. The only other one that I can think of is Dead Rising 3 and, having played that at Mike’s, I’m not sure that I’m as enamored with it as I was beforehand. Still, barring a lottery win, the odds of a new console are slim to none.
(Oddly, I never even got around to playing the demo for the Witcher although I think I still have it on my backup files on the Vista box. I haven’t even tried the Witcher 2 on X360. I figure I’ll get around to it someday but…..)
As for what I play on a fairly regular basis:
Alien Rage (Part of the XBLA/PSN initiative.)
Marvel Avengers Alliance (Yes, I let the monkey back on.)
Star Wars The Old Republic
Puzzle Chronicles
Borderlands 2
Various video game pinballs (Pinball Arcade finally got their seasons on XBL. Not sure if I want to get the bundles or just the ones that I really want or are curious about. Also waiting to see if I get the T2 kickstarter and for them to iron the bugs out of launch.)Report
When I was investigating the PS4, the number one game that grabbed my eye was a collection of real-world pinball tables (including, of course, The Machine).
I realized that this was insufficient reason to drop hundreds on what would otherwise be destined to be a Blu-ray player.Report
It’s the same company. Supposedly, licensing issues kept them off the 360 for awhile (while not affecting the Xbox One because reasons).Report
I’ve got two Pinball games on PS4, but only the free demos. Are any worth buying?
My wife started playing Diablo 3 on PS4 (sadly no seasons, and strangely no interconnectivity with PC players. And no split screen mode. Weird, eh?) which has scratched the ‘mindless destruction itch’.
I’ve been playing The Old Republic. I should join a Guild someday.Report
Depends. If you’re talking about the Pinball Arcade, the question should be: “How did I feel about this Pinball game in the 80s/90s”. That’s why I’ve been debating on getting the bundles or just getting the ones that I used to play back in the day. If it’s from the Pinball FX series, the demos will give you a feel for it.
If you’re Imp, I would say that you should join Lords of Apex but I can’t deny that the guild has become largely inactive. If you’re Pub, Bahamut is still fairly active.Report
I’d rather play games on the PC, myself. I like using a mouse to orient, it’s intuitive…Report