Late to the party — tardy musings about the Emmys

Russell Saunders

Russell Saunders is the ridiculously flimsy pseudonym of a pediatrician in New England. He has a husband, three sons, daughter, cat and dog, though not in that order. He enjoys reading, running and cooking. He can be contacted at blindeddoc using his Gmail account. Twitter types can follow him @russellsaunder1.

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24 Responses

  1. Mike Dwyer says:

    We watched most of the show and the problem I keep finding over and over is that while they seem more willing to at least acknowledge shows that are more edgy and doing innovative things, the awards for actors and actresses are becoming fairly predictable. I’m sure all the males are thrilled Breaking Bad is over so it frees up some space in the male categories but on the female front, how the heck does Orphan Black’s Tatiana Maslany not even merit a nomination. She is convincingly playing four characters every single week. And while I love Game of Thrones, Lena Headey isn’t exactly killing it with her character.

    I just wish there was more of an edginess to the awards. There’s a lot of good TV out there. I don’t think what we’re seeing is really acknowledging that.Report

  2. ScarletNumbers says:

    I dig that nobody really cares about the Emmys.

    I do.

    As for the ceremony, mostly it was boring. Steven Colbert fell flat, as did Weird Al, and I generally like both.

    The In Memoriam segment was nice. I wouldn’t have chosen Robin Williams to go last, but since his death was recent, I can see why it happened. Genie, you’re free.Report

  3. Kazzy says:

    Helen Hunt was in “The Way, Way Back”?

    Also, what’s an Emmy?Report

  4. Mike Schilling says:

    I remember liking Mad About You (even if writing a Paul Reiser dialog generator would take only about ten lines of code [1]), but the last one I watched was when Jamie finds out she’s pregnant, which was the end of season 4 of 7.

    1. That’s what I’m saying.Report

  5. trizzlor says:

    This is actually quite interesting. Looking at the winners for lead actress in the 90’s you would’ve thought Murphy Brown and Mad About You were the only shows on the air! In fact, no other category seems so attached to a single star. Reminds me quite a bit of getting grant money in academia: once you show them you can get it, they just want you to keep coming back for more. I feel like one way to solve this would be to pair each major category with a corresponding “Best New …” that only applies to shows premiering in the previous year. This would be a great way to give struggling new shows a boost, and maybe hold off some of the inertia (though it wouldn’t have really helped in this case since Mom premiered in 2013).

    As for Janney, has she been good in anything as a lead? It surprises me when some actors can’t or won’t succeed as leads – acting is acting – and yet I can’t think of a single memorable role she’s been in that hasn’t been essentially supporting. Even in her voice-acting role as Disney Star Tours spokesdroid, Janney apparently plays second fiddle to new pilot Ace.Report

    • ScarletNumbers in reply to trizzlor says:

      As for Janney, has she been good in anything as a lead?

      Well The West Wing considered her a lead from season 3 onwards, and she won 2 Emmy awards during that time.

      Murphy Brown

      People forget how popular this show was. I think the reason is that it is REALLY dated now. Part of the problem of being topical is that no one cares about jokes about Dan Quayle and George Stephanopoulos now.

      The show won the Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series for seasons 2 and 4. Neither has been released on DVD.Report

      • Mike Schilling in reply to ScarletNumbers says:

        I could never see the Murphy Brown cast as the characters they were supposed to be playing; they always seemed like actors just reciting the lines they were given.Report

      • ScarletNumbers in reply to ScarletNumbers says:


        Maybe that’s why the entire cast has fallen off the face of the Earth.

        I thought that Charles Kimbrough was good as Jim Dial, but maybe thats because I was familiar with Jim Jensen, the WCBS2 news anchor he was based on.

        Jim Jensen, an alcoholic, was most known for asking Bree Walker on-air if her parents would have aborted her if they knew she would be born with a physical handicap. Walker probably would have punched him in the face if, you know, she could have…Report

    • Kolohe in reply to trizzlor says:

      “As for Janney, has she been good in anything as a lead? ”

      Kaiser Permanente commercials.Report

  6. ScarletNumbers says:

    Two great underrated Allison Janney roles:

    1) Howard Stern’s Washington, DC, boss in Private Parts.

    2) The mom of the family next door in American Beauty.Report

  7. Kolohe says:

    Thanks for the post!

    I wonder, though, if, given Mom’s overall quality (which I don’t think I’m as a negative on as you are), Janney should get some credit for degree of difficulty, like they have in the olympics.Report

  8. Michael M. says:

    You should really stop watching the Emmy’s and start watching Masters of Sex because it’s awesome.Report

  9. Kim says:

    So, um, how much of this is simple cliquishness?
    It seems odd that Parks and Recreation hasn’t won, for um, anything.
    Haven’t seen Big Bang Theory (feud!), may watch it once it’s off the air.Report

    • ScarletNumbers in reply to Kim says:

      P&R is one of those shows that is much more popular with critics than it is general.

      It is a crime that Nick Offerman has never been nominated for an Emmy.Report

      • Kim in reply to ScarletNumbers says:

        His moustache helps him sooo much. He can’t help cracking up half the time on that show.Report

      • ScarletNumbers in reply to ScarletNumbers says:

        Well it also doesn’t help that Modern Family has taken 16 out of 36 nominations since its creation.

        I don’t know if it is because of false modesty, but the men on Modern Family refuse to nominate themselves for Lead Actor and all submit themselves for Supporting Actor. Since there are 4 of them, this crowds out actors from other shows.Report

  10. ScarletNumbers says:

    I thought Louie was terrible this past season.

    The whole elevator lady sequence (SIX episodes) was torture.

    However, one episode that was excellent was called “So Did the Fat Lady”. I’m glad that CK won the Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Writing for it.Report