An Intriguing Platform of Nihilism and Destruction
Koichi Toyama ran for the Governor of Tokyo on a very unusual platform, starting off by saying that the nation is horrible and he has no interest whatsoever in political reform or any kind of reform. The nation, he states, must be destroyed.
It looks like those of us in the US missed the chance to vote for him in 2008, because we didn’t know about him and because he was ineligible to run. He makes his pitch (sort of?) here.
(Both items are subtitled.)
Like Clark Popehat, I am taken with the line about elections being a festival for the majoity.
Wow. Nice find.Report
a classic!Report
While my esteemed running mates will do what they can to destroy this country slowly, I promise you that I will do everything in my power to destroy it quickly.Report
Say what you will about the tenets of Imperial Japan, Dude, at least it was an ethos.Report
It’s kind of funny this came up….
I have a post in the hopper about historical Japanese constructions, but haven’t really been able to post it.
And I know y’all are secretly wanting to have me debate this guy or something.Report
@nobakimoto I have to confess I was kind of curious of your take on the guy when I posted this.
I always enjoy your posts on Japan.Report
i don’t think you can debate someone who is so unimpeachably charismatic.Report
I always liked the peppy “house remix” of his speech: