

Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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20 Responses

  1. Pinky says:

    Diablo II. It’s been a while.

    I recently saw an anime called Sword Art Online, which featured an if-you-die-in-here-you-die-for-real video game. It reminded me that in all my many many hours of playing Diablo, I never tried it on Hardcore setting (character has only one life). I still don’t have the guts to play Hardcore, but I’m trying to keep a new character alive for as long as I can. It’s different, trying to play without a net. Colors seem brighter, food seems foodier, and I’m playing with a lot more focus.Report

    • James K in reply to Pinky says:

      Path of Exile’s hardcore is good for that, if a hardcore character dies, they can still be played but they permanently lose their “Hardcore” status.

      In pact, Path of Exile is a good game for anyone looking to recapture the Diablo II experience.Report

  2. Reformed Republican says:

    I finished The Walking Dead: 400 Days. Here is a brief, spoiler-free review (as requested).

    Since it is a self-contained episode, meant to bridge the gap between seasons, it is a bit different than the other episodes. Each chapter focuses on a different character, and you only play them for a short period of time. Each chapter also takes place at a different point in time between Day 1 and Day 400 of the zombie outbreak. There are some connecting threads between the chapters, regarding other characters you interact with. It is also possible for an NPC from a chapter to appear as a walker in a later chapter.

    The chapters were even more “on-the-rails” than the Season 1 episodes. There was not much by way of puzzles, only interactions and dialogue, with one or two critical decisions to be made. Also, since you get little time with the characters, there is less potential for emotional attachment to them.

    Supposedly, the decisions made in 400 Days will be reflected in Season 2.

    I got the game as part of a Season 1 package, and I was not disappointed to play it. I would not recommend its purchase as a standalone, but if you have played Season 1 and plan to play Season 2, it is probably worth getting as well.

    Now that I am done with TWD, I am going to move on to either Pappa & Yo or To The Moon, which I have gotten from recent Humble Bundles. I will also get back to playing some DDO, which I have not touched in nearly a month. I might also make an effort to get back into Guild Wars 2, which I have not played for nearly a year.Report

  3. Jaybird says:

    The Stanley Parable? So far this weekend has been spent doing the opposite of what the narrator has been saying.

    And this has included falling asleep at the computer desk and having the phone ring me awake and having Maribou say “I don’t remember why I was supposed to call you” and me saying “Cream Cheese?” and her saying “OH YEAH!” and then me pressing the “U” button like I had been prompted.

    Anyway, next time I play (next weekend?), I’ll play like something akin to what I am being prompted.Report

  4. Hoosegow Flask says:

    Batman: Arkham Asylum. I was a Marvel kid growing up, so I only have a passing familiarity with the DC universe. The game is fun, but I can’t help but question Batman’s no-kill rule. It obviously makes sense from a comic book point of view, since it would be hard to write for if you kept killing the best villains. It also makes sense against normal humans, who can face the criminal justice system. But in a world populated by supervillains, it doesn’t strike me as the most moral position.

    There doesn’t exist adequate containment for supervillains, so capturing them, in essence, is just delaying their inevitable return to crime. Batman has the capability of permanently ending the escape->murder spree->recapture cycle, but instead perpetuates it. How many innocent lives could Batman have saved by killing villains who would eventually escape?Report